Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10

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3rd POV

After becoming King of Camelot and gaining royal knights that will serve him on his journey Y/N and His harem are being trained by Roland and the raiders/ Vault hunters in what they are to teach Y/Ns group

Roland:Now your highness for this training session you Weiss and amber will lead a few of your group against several of us

Lilith:but you can't use magic or any op abilities you have and can only use your guns

Mordecai:not only that but you have three hours to at least get past our small groups of raiders to make it back to sanctuary

Brick:and we aren't going to be pulling any punches so bring your absolute best your highness

Y/N:We Understand

Before the training can begin the mysterious person arrives

Yang:You again?

????:Yes again Yang but I'm not here for a social gathering I'm here to inform Y/N of who is destined to be with him from this part of the multiverse other than moxxi of course

Sona:You know who they are?

????:Yes but I will give the Initials of their names as to who they are it's up to them when they confess

Axton:So who are they?

????:the Initials of the girls are the following M,M,T,N and as for the N initial brick knows who that is very well

Brick:I do?

????:Yes you do brick I'll give you a hint she took something valuable to you during an attack years ago but you don't know what she truly went through in her past

Brick becomes silent as he knows exactly who it is

Without a word the mysterious person leaves the area

Y/N:Well that was odd to say the least


Maya:hey Roland before the training starts could I along with moze and Tina be excused we sort of...have something to discuss without anyone knowing

Roland goes silent before nodding which the three walk away from the group

Artoria:now then your majesty as Roland would say please pick the few from your group that you will lead for the training session with them

Roland:Exactly Right lady Artoria now your majesty please pick from your group who you will lead for this training session

Y/N:Right so since Weiss and amber are out of the listings to be picked I will go with Ganyu Sera Moxxi Yang and Velvet

Weiss:My group will consist of Sona Akeno Shenhe and Neo

Amber:My group will have Ravel qiqi Blake and Irina

Lilith:good now for the training session you must reach sanctuary from outside the city which Brick will lead you to the spot you must reach the city from

Gawin:Ms Lilith might I propose something for the training?

Lilith:depends on what it is.

Gawin:I propose that we *gestures to himself and the other knights of Y/N* join in the training which one of us knights will stand beside those who are training his majesty and his girlfriends

Artoria:right and as such they must prove they can get past us before continuing onwards with their training of reaching the city of sanctuary

Lilith and Roland look at each other and nod in agreement

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