Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)

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After dealing with Childe and his little fatui henchmen I began to pack my stuff as is Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel do the same

Sona:So today we are leaving this universe

Y/N:That's correct but before we leave I'm going to do something magical for the residents of remnant

Akeno:What will you do handsome?

Y/N:You'll just have to wait and see

Soon the door opens and in walks Weiss Yang Blake Velvet Neo their parents Ozpin Glynda and Ironwood

Y/N:Morning everyone so what brings you all here

Ironwood:I'm here to give my answer to what you asked the other day

Y/N:And the answer is?

Ironwood:my army will join your army of light

Y/N:Right now remember you can not use what I'm about to give you for greed or any selfish reasons you must be willing to accept anyone who wish to protect those who can't protect themselves and are willing to help defend the multiverse wether they are huntsmen/Huntresses,in training to become one of the previously mentioned occupations or just a random citizen from any kingdom /Menagerie

Ironwood:Very well I will oblige by those rules

I nod and hand Ironwood a Capsule which I inform the general what is to be done about the capsule who then nods at the info

Tai:In any case we came to tell you that you better make sure nothing happens to our children or else

Y/N:I vow to the parents of Weiss Yang Blake Velvet and Neo that I will not let anything happen to them or else I shall suffer the wrath of their parents

Ozpin:In any case we shall see you off soon?

Y/N:Not at the moment later on today we will leave for my universe but I do want to show something to everyone in this room

Velvet's Father:What is it?

Y/N:First is there a place that is high on altitude?

Ozpin:There is the cliffs which is used for students taking  the initiation to join the academy

Y/N:Alright head there and wait for me I will bring the transport my girlfriends and I will be using to travel the multiverse

Everyone leaves the room which I do so as well after they leave

I call the train which I float up to and head for the cliffs where everyone is at

As I near the cliff I use the train whistle which alerts the group on the cliffs

I open the train doors

Y/N:All aboard!

Tai:What is this?

Tai says as he steps foot on the train

Y/N:This is the golden train that I and my girlfriends will use to travel the multiverse

Ozpin:You said you wish to show us something?

Y/N: I do and as soon as the last of you gets on I will show you it to you all

The last person steps foot on the train which I close the train doors

Y/N:Right now hold on to your seats we will be going high into the sky

I drive straight into the sky which everyone holds on to their seats

Soon the train enters space

Y/N:Ok you can open your eyes now

Everyone opens their eyes and looks out the window


Blake:Is this our planet?

Y/N:Yes what your looking at is Remnant from space



Velvet's Mother:To think our planet looks so beautiful from space...

Y/N:Now we shall return back to the cliff

I drive the train back to the ground below  which i park the train at the cliff

Soon everyone exits the train

Weiss:Thanks for showing us something magical darling

Y/N:Not a problem Weiss I figured I show you all before our departure from this part of the multiverse which you can think of it as a thank you to headmaster Ozpin for letting us stay at beacon while we was here

Ozpin:it's my pleasure Mr L/N seeing as you are his student in training

Suddenly master Ozma appears before us with my father next to him

Y/N:Master Ozma... Dad

Irina:Wait he's your dad?

Arthur:Yes I am my name is Arthur Pendragon L/N Father to Y/N Pendragon L/N

Y/N:What are you doing here with Master Ozma dad?

Arthur:Well son I will be joining you on your way back to your mother so that I meet the heathens that broke my son's heart

I sweat drop at what my father said

Y/N:But still to only show up before my departure from this part of the Multiverse besides showing up during my training session with Jaune

Irina:Hang on didn't you say his name when we first met and Mimic flown to your hands?

Y/N:Well as I said back then I don't remember much only that I heard a voice in my head when I felt the presence of your sword

Ozma:In any case you should be ready I can feel your ex girlfriends energy and they are still cheating on you and bad mouthing you

Y/N:Of Course those idiots would be doing that well let's just say my ten girlfriends I have now will love to have a few choice words with them right girls?

Sona:You can count on us babe

Serafall:Yeah no one hurts our man!

Yang:I can't wait to introduce my fist to their faces

Blake:I have a itch to scratch something and they are it...

Kali:Oh my seems your protective of him huh my little kitten

Y/N:Well I think we should get going Dad if you will come with me and my girlfriends we can get going

Weiss:Well this it Mother Sister you take care of yourselves

Winter:Be Safe Weiss and we'll meet again on the field battle in the future

Those from Remnant say goodbye to their parents before getting on the train with Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel

Y/N:Right we shall be off see you in the future winter James

Ironwood:See you then Mr L/N

I close the train doors as my father steps onto the train

I make the train whistle go off and activate the lever to pick my home universe

Y/N:Alright here we go everyone

Soon I drive the train through a open portal which closes after the last part train enters the portal


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