Having Your Own Medicine

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I do believe that I should have put a lock on that door. But yes, never did I expect that a room that is supposed to have given me sexual pleasure has now turned into torture pleasure. Not that I am saying that hurting people is something that I enjoy, but I am just doing a tad bit at the present moment.

Well, that was until my princess walked in on me. Now do imagine m predicament. I have a man tied to a chair who has just lost his finger, and that said finger is lying in front of my shoes. Now that is not the problem; I had fucking blood on my shoes.

So as I spin around, hoping that she will not notice the blood, I slip the bloody knife into the back of my pants, yes, second big mistake. But my biggest concern is how is she going to take this.

"Princess, what are you doing done here?" I ask with complete horror on my face.

"I was bored, so I thought I would come to see what the fuss is about this room, but yes," she seems rather amused. "I guess I have learned its new purpose, but I would have rather had it red but not from the blood."

I only but smile at her shyly and bite into my bottom lip, I can see that spark of arousal in her eyes, yet I try to remain serious, "I will have it thoroughly cleaned once this is over."

"Once this man is over, or do you intend torturing more men in my house?"

Now, this girl knows me better than anyone else, "Well, princess, I might torture more people in your house."

She burst out in hysterical laughter and wraps her arms around my waist; then I feel her pull the knife out that I have tucked in the back of my pants.

"You know that you have just ruined a perfectly good pair of pants. Now take it off so I can go burn it in the back."

"You want to do what?"

"I am going to stand here and scare the shit out of this guy until he talks, and then I am going to go burn your pants."

"Princess, are you okay?"

"Yes, Christian, I want this damn war over so our lives can go back to normal. But I somehow think that it is not going to happen soon."

She steps a few steps closer to this man, which I never even bothered to get a name; the less personal it is, the better, but yes, she steps closer to him, waving the knife in front of his face. Now, if I thought that he was scared of me, he is absolutely terrified of her. I only but have an inner chuckle at her. This girl is starting to impress me. Well, she is a mob boss's perfect dream.

But ya, she practically has that knife under his nose, "Now, I am not scared to cut more than your pinkie off. Where is this safe house?"

The guy continues to shake his head; he does not seem like he is going to budge. Now I have a choice here, I either take him out or I send him back to Joseph, with at least another finger less. Either way, Joseph will go into hiding; the thing is, how many places does he have to run off to. It is truly a pity that Cassandra does not know. So I turn to Mason, that is very much wide-eyed, as he is staring at Cassandra swinging that knife in front of the man's face.

"Princess, you are going to make him piss his pants."

"Baby, he can be glad he can still do it."

"God, if this were not so messed up, I would have said that is so hot. But I need to talk to Mason; you think you can leave us alone?"

Well, I know I am wasting my time in asking, for I know that she is going to ignore me in any case, so as she just shakes her head, I know that I have my answer.

"Mason, get a cleaning crew ready. I am tired of this fuck's face now. He is worth nothing to me."

Then there is a loud roar coming from the man as he begs me, "Please, Mr. Caine, please, I beg you. I will tell you anything."

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