The Merger

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I don't know why, but my princess has grown brave enough to speak to my father. For what reason, I do not know, but I suspect it can either be one of two things, and somehow I don't think it is about her being an exotic dancer. I knew such a conversation would happen sooner or later, maybe not quite so soon yet. If this is what her heart desires, then this is what she shall get.

"I am sure he is in his office, princess. I will go check for you."

"No. I will come with you; I don't want him to try and sneak away."

"Mmm. You are making me nervous, princess."

"Don't worry; I won't kill your father, well, at least not today."

"Hahaha. I am going to take that as a joke. I have seen where you hide things; I am sure you can hide a gun."

"Hahaha. I am glad you remember whose father was the arms dealer."

"Believe me after that room; I know better not to mess with you."

After making myself look composed and respectable again, we leave my room hand in hand to go find where my father is at. My father is not one that appreciates surprises; he is a very predictable kind of man. How he has managed to stay at the top all these years has always amazed me, but that is where fear comes into play. For I learned at a very young age if you cross my father, you shall find yourself at the wrong end of a gun.

And now my princess is going to take this man on. I must admit that there is a big part of me that is excited to see this happens. There is also a very big part that is scared for her; I guess this is where one discovers what is more important, family or the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with.

As I thought, we do find my father in his office. I am the first to go in and tell him what is about to happen

"Evening, father."

"Hey Christian, what can I do for you?"

"Cassandra wants to talk to you."

...Cassandra POV...

I don't know what I am doing; I think I have lost my mind completely. I do not even know why I am wanting to speak to Foster Caine. But I know in a big way I am doing this for Christian. I do not wish him to be between loyalty to his family and me. I am the enemy, for what I don't even know, but today it ends here. No one or nothing is keeping me away from the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I am about to go into this office, and let us pray I come out of here with what I am set to do.

As I enter the room, I can see Foster Caine sitting there, just as much nervous as Christian is. I am only but a young woman, and let's add an exotic dancer, but these two powerful men are clearly very nervous about what I have to say.

"Evening, Mr. Caine."

"Evening Cassandra, but please call me Foster."

"Thank you, Foster; I hope you don't mind me interrupting you like this."

Christian jumps in before his father can come up with any excuses. "Princess, you are not interrupting at all. My father was not busy in any case."

I see Foster's eyes grow wide as he listens to his son calling me princess. If not before, now he clearly knows how Christian feels about me.

"Sure, not a problem at all, Cassandra. What can I help you with?"

"Before I really get to the point, tell me how I get rid of Antoni Vega."

I hear as Christian nearly chokes on his own breath where he is standing in the corner. "Sorry, but you want what? "

"Don't worry; I don't want to kill him, Christian. I just want him out of my mother's life."

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