Chapter Two - The Potions Class

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Disclaimer; All rights belong to J.K. Rowling. I do not own Harry Potter and all credit is completely hers.

As soon as everyone had finished dinner, Harry said goodnight to his friends, and made his way out of the Great Hall. Ron finished early, and so Harry was one of the last of students out of the dining area.

Just as Harry was on his way out, he bumped right into someone, and when his eyes fluttered up to who it was, it, once more, was none other than Draco Malfoy.

Harry didn't look back at him and quickly had he continued to walk about, making his way towards the Gryffindor common room as fast as his feet could go in a speed-walk.. Up until he heard his last name being called.

"Get back here, Potter!" Draco snapped as he ran up to Harry, narrowing his eyes at the boy.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy. I don't want to deal with you right now, or any of your bloody name calling- " Harry snapped, but was cut off by the blonde boy.

"Save it, Potter. You should be back in London. You're lucky Loony went and saved you. Can't take care of yourself, can you, Potter? That's right. Your mum was dead before she could wipe the drool off your chin!" Draco snapped, but immediately regretted it as Harry angrily tightened the grip on his jaw.

"Her name is Luna. And I don't see you around with any real friends - " Harry went to say, but was cut off once more.

"And I don't see you with any real parents!"

"Don't you dare say a word about my parents. Dead or alive, they would be much better than the pair of parents you own. " Harry sneered viciously back at him.

Draco went to snap back at Harry once more, until they both stopped and turned their heads to look down the hall. They could hear the soft patter of paws which Harry immediately recognized at Mrs. Norris, and soon heard the croaky voice of the Hogwarts watchman, Argus Filch.

Acting quickly, Harry grabbed Draco's wrist and pulled them both into the closest, a small broom closet near by.

"Get off of me, Scarhead!" Draco whispered sharply, but Harry quickly shushed him as the footsteps grew closer. Harry had to press himself against the wall to be as farthest away from Draco's body as possible, but they were really only about an inch or two apart in the tight space. With Draco's body uncomfortably pressed up against Harry's, they waited until it was quiet to exit from the small closet.

The closet was a mix of both of the boys' breathing until Draco heard nothing but the slightest sound of voices upstairs. Letting himself out of the closet, Draco shot a nasty glare at Harry, his breath heavy in annoyance.

"Bloody disgusting, Potter. " Draco snapped, "I would've rather been caught then spend another second in there with you."

"Just shut it. Remind me next time so I don't have to save you from a detention with one of the teachers on our first day. " Harry spat, turning on his heel to make his way up to the Gryffindor common room.

Draco watched as he receded down the hall and disappeared, scowling to himself before making his way down to the dungeons.

. . .

The next morning, Harry was nearly shaken awake by Neville. "What is it?" Harry groaned tiredly as he sat himself up, reaching over to slip his glasses on his face.

"You don't want to be late for your first classes, do you? You're late for breakfast. " Neville said, "I'll see you later, Harry. "

Harry just nodded and watched as Neville exited the room, sighing quietly to himself. Getting himself dressed and ready, he came down to breakfast, took a seat with Ron and Hermione, and probably ate the quickest he ever had.

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