Chapter 14 - This Isn't the End, is it?

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"Crabbe, you got to be kidding me." Draco snapped, standing up. His pants were undone, and Crabbe was still standing there in pure shock. Harry's face was completely red, swallowing hard as he looked at both Crabbe and Draco.

"But you're not gay, Draco!" Crabbe yelled, and Draco grabbed Crabbe by the collar, pulling him close in annoyance.

"I suggest you get the bloody hell out of here, Crabbe. Potter and I were just about to have a very deep conversation," Draco snapped, glaring at the boy, "And you're right. I'm not gay. I'm bisexual. You should learn that from all the girls I've slept with in this room, and the fact that all those times you kept your fat mouth shut! And don't you dare breath a word of this to anyone, you got it?" Draco asked. Crabbe nodded quickly, before Draco allowed himself to push the student out of the door, shutting it and locking it with a sigh.

"Where were we, now?" Draco asked with a smile, walking back over and climbing on top of Harry again.

"I-.. I don't think we should do this." Harry mumbled.

"What? Why the sudden change of mind, Harry?" Draco asked, raising a brow.

"Your father," Harry murmured, and Draco simply sighed exhaustedly.

"My father has no business what so ever about my sexual life." Draco stated in a matter-o-fact tone, "Plus, he doesn't know how to feel."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked curiously, pushing up his glasses and looking into Draco's ocean-like eyes with curiosity.

"You know," Draco started, my feelings for you." He explained, shrugging lightly. "My dad will never know the way I feel about you. How I've always felt about you. You've always made me so jealous. Having decent friends. Being famous. Always gaining the respect you deserve. Having people who care about you. All I have is my mother. And I'm sorry if I sound selfish, but I really bloody do want you all to myself. I really do love you, Potter." Draco explained, his eyes locking with Harry's.

And with that, Harry wrapped his arms around the back of Draco's neck, yanking him down and smashing his lips into his lover's.

Harry was not gay. No. Nor was he straight. He realized at this very moment he was bisexual, also. He had liked girls before, definitely. But when it came to thinking of Draco.. He definitely knew he had a thing for both genders. Though, something about Draco just made Harry's stomach flutter.

ayy smut scene for all you pervs ;) skip if you don't feel comfortable with reading it.

Draco's breath increased as he deepened the kiss between he and Harry. He angrily tugged off Harry's pants, and without thinking, his boxers. Harry had barely noticed this, mainly because he was so distracted on Draco's lips. He had only realized it when Draco had pulled away from the kiss to tug off his own pants, and soon his boxers.

Harry had to restrain himself from looking down. But he couldn't help it. Glancing down at Draco's erection, he felt himself grow hard, but he quickly pulled his gaze back up to Draco. The blond had a smirk on his face.

"Alright, Harry," Draco started, "The first thing you have to learn about sex—"


"Well, you're obviously a virgin."

Harry blushed at that. It was true. He had never, ever even thought about having sex before.

"Right-.. Continue on." Harry mumbled with a soft smile.

Draco chuckled lightly, "The first thing you have to learn is that-.. Well, we need lube, correct? We don't have any of that. So, we're going to have to.. Stretch you out a bit. And it may hurt.. A bit." Draco started.

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