Chapter Eleven - What is Love?

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Disclaimer; All rights belong to J.K. Rowling. I do not own Harry Potter and all credit is completely hers.

For the next couple of weeks, Harry and Draco didn't speak. Halloween and Christmas had easily ran after them and even when they had returned back from Christmas Break, neither Harry or Draco plucked up the courage to speak to each other.

"Are you sure you're alright Harry? You seem.. A bit.. Uh-.. " Hermione tried to say one day during dinner, "Drifted?"

"Drifted?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes as he pulled them up towards Hermione. "No, I'm fine. Just tired from Christmas, that's all." Harry said simply and shook his head, taking another small bite out of his food. Hermione only eyed him a bit and sighed, looking back down to her dish whilst Ron shoved pork into his mouth.

As dinner had ended, Harry made his way towards the Gryffindor common room with his friends. As soon as he had gotten inside, he insisted he went up to bed. Hermione easily agreed and nodded, and Ron just said goodnight.

What a lie. Harry went straight up to his dormitory, grabbed his cloak, and threw it on. He snuck out from the common room, and immediately headed towards the Slytherin one. Harry was only hoping Draco would be waiting outside, or even -


Just as Harry turned the corner, he collided with the blonde, Draco falling on top of Harry in the empty hall.

"Who's there?" Draco asked, reaching down and pulling off the silky cloak. Then, his eyes widened slightly with horror.

"Draco, I-," Harry went to say, but immediately felt Draco fling his arms around him and hug him as tight as possible. Harry easily hugged him back.

"I need to talk to you." Draco said quickly and stood up, pulling Harry up with him. "Put on the cloak."

Harry nodded and threw the cloak over him, and Draco led him towards the Slytherin Common Room.

"Draco, I don't think I'm allowed-" Harry tried to say, but the Slytherin already whispered the password and pulled Harry into the common room full of people. He led him along, ignoring the hello's and finally pulled him into the boy's dormitories. "Draco!" Harry said sharply as Draco tugged him into his empty dorm.

Pulling off the cloak, Draco's eyes met Harry's.

"Are you bloody insane? I can't wait around here in the Slytherin dorm!" Harry said, looking around.

"None of my roommates are here. They don't come up for another few hours. We're fine." Draco said, sitting Harry down on his bed. "Like I said, I need to talk to you."

"About?" Harry asked.

"My father. Okay, so-.. I might've sent my mom a letter about.. Us? Right, and uhm-.. You see, my father got it instead. " He explained.

Harry felt his stomach twist and turn, and he shook his head. "Your father got the message? Are you joking?"

Draco nodded. "He was.. Very upset when I came home for Christmas." The blonde said, biting his lip before pulling up his right sleeve to reveal a bit of a large bruise.

"Draco.. Draco, he hit you?" Harry said in a soft whisper, running his fingers slightly over the bruise as Draco winced.

"A couple of times.. I'm okay. He just doesn't know I'm still seeing you." Draco said gently, biting his lip.

"Okay, good." Harry said and took a deep breath.

"But that's not all I wanted to talk to you about.." Draco said, his blue eyes landing directly onto Harry's.

"Okay.. Uhm.. What else?"

"I don't want you to get hurt, Harry.. Or be in danger-.."

"Draco, what do you mean?"

"Listen, we've .. Yes, okay.. Uhm.. Oh, damn it.." Draco tried to explain, his bright eyes growing dim and glassy.


"I don't think you and I should talk to each other anymore."

And at that moment, Harry's heart dropped and shattered.

"Wh-.. Why not?"

"I want you to be safe. You know what's on my arm, and if my dad knows that we're seeing each other, he'll use me to get to you.. Harry, please understand.. I'm just trying to protect you."

Harry shook his head, and grabbed his invisibility cloak. "Okay, fine. Very well.. I should go." Harry said, and avoiding eye contact, left Draco sitting on his bed without a word.

But Harry didn't stop. He threw over the cloak on himself, exited the Slytherin dormitory, and walked straight out the Hogwart's grounds. He just walked at that point, until he made it to the black lake. It was a quiet night also. As Harry collapsed onto his knees, a soft sob escaped from his system, shoving his face into his hands.

What was love?

So this is a super crazily rushed chapter that I will be glad to continue when I can. So much has been happening lately. My brother recently got surgery the same day my dad got into a car crash, and I've been so stressed lately. My grandma has been getting really sick and I'm trying my best to update. Enjoy this for now, I love you all so much.. All of you. 💘 Those who support or hate me, I still love you. Thank you guys for the wonderful comments and votes. I hope my story progresses and I am possibly thinking of expanding my fandom to other types of fanfictions. Maybe leave some ideas in a comment for me to make, I'll look into it.


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