The Border

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Skyler's POV

I sighed as I walked out of the dog door. Yes, I just said dog door need me to repeat that? I currently live with a family of three. You can say I'm their pet or something.

Let me introduce myself, I am Skyler White. I am a fox shifter, I know cool right? But the really cool thing is that I can change the color of my fur. I am 16 in human years and 1 in fox. I was taken to a "pound" you can say after many days of walking around in the woods. Where are my parents? I don't know you ask me. They're probably off somewhere living a happy life. Anywaysss my past is something I don't like bringing up.

"Be careful Sky!" Robert calls out from the kitchen. I give a bark in response. For you all who don't know who Robert is, he's like my brother, not biological but you know close enough.

I quickly scamper into the edge of the woods. I feel the familiar tingles as I change my fur to pure white and let myself change to my normal size. Yes, I get bigger thank you very much.

I let out a yip of excitement as I run through the trees, dodging tree roots and branches. I stop at a clearing and pad over to a little pond.

I sniff the air and make sure I didn't cross the border. The border seperates the Nighshade Pack from other packs you can say.

I lay down in the little clearing enjoying the beauty. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

I snap my eyes open and look around. It was almost night. I bolt and ran back home while changing my fur to red and shrinking back to a regular size. I squeeze through the dog door and walk into the living room

"Hey girl" Robert says cheerfully while looking up from his movie. I pick up my pace and pounce on him squishing the breath out of him

"oomph" he grunted and pushed me off laughing "I think you should go on a diet, you're getting pretty big"

I snapped at him making him laugh.

"What's going on there you two" Juliet says poking her head around the corner

"Oh nothin mum just playing with Sky" Robert answered waving her off. She smiled and disappeared.

He gave me one of those weird grin of his. "Ya know...... you can sit with me if you want"

I jump onto the sofa warily. I lay down after turning about a thousand times trying to get comfortable.

I lay my head on his lap. He chuckles and starts petting my head. I sighed in content and closed my blue eyes as sleep overtakes me.


Yo peeps! Thanks for reading my first chapter! I will try to update more since school is coming up. *_*

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