No Way....

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Skylar's Pov

    I run swiftly through the trees dodging broken branches on the ground.

Sky.... I think we should head back,something's not right   

    ok........ but what is it?

I don't you smell that?

    I sniff the air. There is this burning scent in the air similar I quickly run back the way I came from and hear screams in the distance. Peering out of the bushes I see the house on fire. I stay frozen, unable to move. I sniff the air and try to find Robert's scent but the thickening of smoke is increasing.

    Neighbors are trying to put the fire out and get them  out. I don't even want to say their name. I whimper I'm all alone now, all I have left is Snow. A tear slip out of my eye, I turn around and with one last look I fled into the woods.

Josh's POV

    I smell smoke in the distance

Hey Luke lets go check it out I said indicating to the smoke

    We run towards the direction and stop at the edge of the woods. There a house is burning down and people are running around to put it out.

We should tell Austin

    I nod and start sprinting back. That's when I caught the scent again, the scent from the fox.

    Luke stops as well and gives me a look. I shrug and run back to the pack house.

**At the Pack House**

    "Austin!" Me and Luke yell barging into the room without knocking. Rude I know

    "What's the matter now?" he asks clearly annoyed

    "The Hemming's( Skylar's 'family') house was on fire," I told him

    "What?! How?"

    "We're not sure we were going on a run and we suddenly smell smoke"

    Austin sighs and puts his head in his hands. He gestures for us to leave.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while. Been kinda busy with school. So here's the next short chapter! Sorry if it's pretty short It's like 12 am where I am so yea.Hope you like it!

    Above or on the side is a picture of Robert :D

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