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𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍


It was 3:30 and school had just ended I had texted Sora and asked him where he was and he said he was waiting for me outside by his car, so I headed outside, when all of a sudden I get a text from Jas.

The Messages:
Jas: girl where you at?!

Y/n: I'm hanging out with Sora


Y/n: nothing is going to happened, we're just going to the Arcade

Jas: Take meeee bitch I wanna go!

Y/n: it's kind of a... date soo you can't come

Jas: ugh fine! Just be safe and text me when you're on your way back home.

Y/n: aight I love you bye <3

Jas: love you too bestie

I headed to where Sora was and we gave each other a hug, it wasn't weird or anything but Sora smelled so damn good when I hugged him.

Sora: Soo you ready to go?

Y/n: obviously, what kinda question is that!

Sora: well.. then come on.

Y/n: I've been meaning to talk to about something.

Sora: what is it?

Y/n: I'll tell you once we start driving because yk I don't wanna ruin the moment rn.

Sora: ok...

Sora put his keys in the ignition and put the car into drive then he pulled off.

Sora: sooo what did you want to tell me?

Y/n: when are you going to break up with Ashley?!

Sora: oh... I was actually thinking about that like yesterday.

Y/n: oh wow, so when r you?!

Sora: like today or tmrw

Y/n: ok... But what r we?! Like are we just fwb?

Sora: nah! I don't see you like that, I see you more than that!

Y/n: you do?! And you didn't tell me!

Sora: no.. you probably don't feel the same way

Y/n: I do... Actually

Sora: wait! Really?!

Y/n: Yes...

Fast forward to the Arcade

Y/n: wow! This arcade is huge,
what game should we play first?

Sora: idk, you choose

I walked around for a few minutes to see if there were any good games for me and Sora to play, then I came across it.

Y/n: OMG! Let's play Mario Kart!

Sora: haha sure, just don't cry when I win

Y/n: shut up.. I'm going to win,

15 minutes later


Y/n: Obviously to get in front of you 😂

I was in 1st place and Sora was in 2nd but he was catching up with me, we played Mario Kart for about 5 minutes then we went to play more games. When we left the arcade it was around 9:30. Sora dropped me off at home, I opened the door and Jas was still up watching YouTube.

Jas: how was the 'date'?

Y/n: it was amazing!

Jas: mhm I bet it was

Y/n: whatever Jas😑 anyways.. I'm gonna go shower

I went upstairs and headed into and ran the shower. About 5 minutes later I hopped in the shower.

15 minutes later

I hopped out the shower and went into my room and changed into my pajamas

I hopped out the shower and went into my room and changed into my pajamas

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(Y/n Pajamas)

I texted Sora and told him goodnight.

The Messages:
Sora: goodnight Y/n ❤️
Y/n: goodnight <3
Sora: today was fun
Y/n: yep.. but also wanted to tell you it's my birthday tmrw
Sora: fr! Your just now telling me!
Y/n: yea.. I'm finally finna be 18 thank goodness!
Sora: haha yea.. but anyways good night.
Y/n: goodnight🤍

After we both said goodnight I put my phone on the charger then fell asleep watching YouTube.

(624 Words)

𝗜𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆🖤 (Currently Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now