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(Lex's Pov)

Running into the Sm entertainment building super late for dance practice I quickly rush up the stairs my practice bag slamming against my back with each step. Finally making it to the right floor I turn a corner only to slam into something firm and it sends me stumbling backwards I immediately falling to the ground. Groaning I slowly sit up with a huff only to blink when a hand is held out in front of me. Looking at it in confusion my eyes go up the arm to a firm shoulder and finally stop on a very attractive guy. I eye him for a minute before blinking when I see his hand move his fingers gently pressing against the back of my head a concerned look on his face I giving him a confused look. "Huh?" He frowns at me before stating worriedly. "Did you get hurt? I asked if you were okay and you just kept staring." I immediately blush in embarrassment and run a hand through my hair anxiously. "No I'm fine. I just zoned out for a second. Anyways sorry for slamming into you." He gives me a relieved look before his lips twitch up into an amused smile. "Where exactly were you headed in such a hurry that you couldn't pay attention and run into someone?" I give an embarrassed look. "Sorry. I'm late for dance practice." Then it hits me like a brick. "Crap dance practice!" I quickly scramble to my feet and go to grab my bag when suddenly the guy I bumped into grabs it. "Hey calm down. If you keep rushing around like this you could end up hurt." I frown and go to protest when I hear someone yell from down the hall. "Hey Taemin what's taking so long?" The guy I'm talking to turns around and it's then that I realize who exactly I bumped into. Lee Taemin. Internally panicking and dying of embarrassment I shift when a group of six guys start walking towards us. "Sorry hyung I was getting some water when I bumped into someone." The guys who I know as the members of Super M stop beside Taemin and look at me curiously Baekhyun speaking up. "I haven't seen you around before." I go to say something when I hear a stern voice call my name. "Alexander! What are you doing?" I turn to see my group leader Jay heading this way with my other group members. "Oh hi Jay! I was just talking to these guys." He steps forward and grabs ahold of my shoulder maneuvering me behind him and away from Taemin and the others a scowl on his face. "What trying to steal our new member Byun?" I see Baekhyun glare and  I immediately look confused as his tone turns harsh. "If he's apart of you guys we don't want him Huan." Frowning as everyone starts arguing I go to open my mouth when Ben one of the younger members whispers in my ear. "Just leave it. They fight all the time we're like mortal enemies with them." I give him a confused look. "Why?" He shrugs. "I think someone compared us to them in an interview and Jay said something about them being rookies compared to us." I frown and then look over at Taemin who's trying to pull Baekhyun away our eyes meeting for a minute before he finally gets his group to leave. Jay grits his teeth angrily before storming off to a practice room we cautiously following behind him. Jay suddenly turns to me as we enter saying seriously. "I don't want to see you with any of them again understand? You stay away and you'll fit in fine with us." I give a slow nod of understanding and give a soft "okay." I then start practicing learning the songs and steps of the group as fast as possible until we call it a day. I'm then showed the dorm we're staying in and I luckily get my own room. Changing and climbing into bed I stare up at the ceiling thinking of Taemin and how nice he was slowly falling asleep.

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