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Looking up when Jay and the others enter the room Jay immediately looks me over disapprovingly. "Do you have it down yet?" I nod and stand up. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I have it." He hums before going to plug his phone into the speaker. He plays the music and looks at me expectantly. I immediately start dancing getting the dance done without any mistakes. Once I'm done I look at Jay with hope he humming and gives an approving nod. "Good. Now let's get a few tweaks perfected and we'll be stage ready." I hold back a groan instead going to get in position despite being exhausted. The rest of the day is spent dancing and when it comes break time a few hours later I let out a breath of relief. I practically run to the bathroom and when I'm done I look around making sure none of my members are around before skipping down the hall to where the other practice rooms are. I head to the room Taemin mentioned where he practices at and as I get to the door I jump when it opens revealing Ten. We give each other a look of surprised and I bite my lip nervously before asking shyly. "Um is Taemin hyung in there?" He blinks before nodding. "Yeah. But I wouldn't go in there if I were you. It won't result well when Baekhyun hyung sees you." Frowning slightly a look of disappointment crosses my face. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up Ten giving me a little smile. "Text him and I'll get him to look at his phone and come out." I immediately grin and nod appreciatively thanking him. I then pull my phone out sending Taemin a message saying I'm outside. Ten heads back into the room and a few seconds later Taemin exits the room giving me a smile. I immediately feel a little shy shuffling my feet. "I had a few minutes and wanted to thank you for helping me learn the routine. I'm out of trouble and might actually get to sleep and eat tonight." He gives me a soft smile. "No problem. I still think you should report this guy but it's your decision." I go to say something when I suddenly hear Jay calling my name he about to head towards us. My eyes immediately widen I giving Taemin a quick "bye I'll text you later." Before running around the corner just as Jay's about to come this way. He gives me a suspicious look. "What are you doing back here?" I immediately shift and pull an innocent look. "I was looking for water." He looks at me warily but thankfully doesn't ask anymore questions. "Well it's not here. And we need to get back to practice so come on." I reluctantly agree and follow him back to practice where we again stay until really late. Feeling like I'm about to pass out at any moment I follow the others to the dorm. After I shower I immediately head to bed texting Taemin a quick goodnight before falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow to tired to even eat dinner.

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