Ch 7

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The next day I end up sleeping through my alarm and only end up waking up because Jay bursts into my room scaring the ultimate crap out of me. Holding a hand to my chest I go to yell at him only to go silent seeing his pissed off look. "Get dressed now and get ready to work extra hard today. And since you slept in you don't have time for breakfast." I immediately frown but get up, grab my clothes and go to the bathroom to get ready as fast as possible. Once I'm dressed and brush my teeth and hair I grab my phone and quickly follow Jay and the other members out the door and to the usual practice room ignoring my rumbling stomach. Sighing I get into position and immediately start dancing thankful that I'm debuting next week. Still tired and starving I fight to stay focused and immediately feel relieved when we stop for a break. Quickly excusing myself I grab my phone sending Taemin a quick message asking him to meet me at the corner outside his practice room. After quickly using the bathroom I shuffle my way to the corner leading to Taemin's practice room. I wait a few minutes before looking up seeing Taemin rush around the corner. "Sorry I just now got your message." I give a little reassuring smile. "It's fine I understand your busy." He frowns slightly at me. "Yeah but I'm never to busy for you." I immediately blush and go to say something only to look embarrassed when my stomach growls really loudly. Holding it I look down mortified only for Taemin to gently lift my chin up with a finger a frown on his face. "He's withholding food from you again isn't he?" I shift a little before mumbling "I woke up late and couldn't eat breakfast." I see a look of concern and anger flash through his eyes before he gives me a soft look. "Why don't you stop by apartment after your finished with practice? We can have dinner and talk." I go to agree only to frown slightly. "But I don't get done with practice until really late. And what do I tell my members?" He looks thoughtful for a moment. "Well I don't mind staying up and waiting for you. And you can just tell them your staying over with a friend." I think about it for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Alright sure. I'll text you when I get done with practice." He grins and ruffles my hair making me blush and pout fixing it. I then check the time and quickly give a goodbye before rushing back to practice. I'm of course punished for being late and I'm pushed harder than the others as usual until it's time to leave. Just as we're about to leave I clear my throat. "Um I'm staying over at a friends house tonight if that's okay. I'll be here for practice in the morning." Jay narrows his eyes at me before giving a stern "you better be." Feeling relieved that I wasn't questioned or worse not allowed to go I look at my phone seeing Taemin texted me saying he'll wait outside the building for me. I look at my members and tell them to go on ahead and that I'll see them tomorrow. After making sure they're all gone I head downstairs and outside going over to Taemin who's wearing his mask and cap. Smiling I give a slightly tired smile. "Let's go." He nods and we head for his apartment. Once we reach his apartment and he opens the door we both step in and two dogs run over. I immediately smile and kneel down holding my hand out for them to sniff and gently pet them. Taemin watches with a smile and introduces me to the two male dogs named Adam and Eve. I smile happily looking up at him. "They're so cute!" I then try standing up but almost fall over Taemin quickly steadying me. I give him a thankful look but he looks at me in concern. I give a reassuring smile back. "I'm fine just a little hungry and tired." He frowns leading me to the kitchen and helping me sit down before going to get things to start cooking. As he gathers everything and looks over the recipe on his phone we chat about our hobbies and dreams and everything. "I actually really like singing and dancing. Just not having it drilled into me harshly twenty four seven. But it seems I'm the only one having a hard time." He frowns at me before plating the food and hands me one. "Your worries are very understandable. Your being abused by your supposed to be leader and it shouldn't be that way." I shrug it off and instead take a bite of the food making a happy noise. "Wow this is really good." He blushes and I grin at him before finishing the food happily. Once we're both finished I help with the dishes despite his worried protests. We then go to the living room where we grab a controller and start playing some games.  As we play we joke around and laugh I pouting a little when I keep getting beaten. "Not fair you cheated!" He giggles at me in amusement. "I didn't but your adorable when you lose." I immediately blush bright red and go to say something only to yawn. His expression immediately softens and he turn the gaming system off. "Come on you can borrow some clothes and sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." I immediately frown. "No I'll sleep on the couch you take the bed." We argue for a few minutes before I get an idea and then look at him shyly. "We could share the bed. I mean I don't mind if you don't." It's quiet for a second I swear I seeing a blush on his face before he agrees. "Alright I guess we'll share." He then hands me some clothes and points out the bathroom where I go to change. I come out with the clothes a little big and the hoodie giving me major sweater paws. Walking to the bedroom I give a little knock waiting to hear a come in before entering. Taemin turns to look at me his expression softening a little and then he motions to the bed climbing in on one side. I look a little shy but climb in on the other side and carefully lay down getting comfortable. It's quiet for a second before I give a shy "goodnight Taemin." He gives a soft goodnight back and I slowly relax and fall asleep.

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