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First MitsuKou fic yayyy-

I got some tbhk manga a few hours/days ago (depending on when I post this) so I made this!
Hi aunt please sit back and enjoy these two who you don't even know. ;D

Third-Person POV:

Kou and Mitsuba decided to hang out after school in Mitsuba's house. It wasn't a long walk from school. "You're lucky I let hang out with me Lame-ass Traffic-safety earring!" Mitsuba started along the way.

"You better not try anything, pervert!" Kou playfully rolled his eyes. "Whatever Mitsuba-kun." He smiled showing his two canine teeth showing in it.

Mitsuba sighed once reaching the house. "Don't mind my mom, she's crazy when guests come." Mitsuba had gotten his keys out that had a small pink bird hanging from the end on it. After that he opened the door.

Almost immediately Mitsuba's mom greeted him, "Hello Sousuke! You brought a friend too!" Kou took note that his friend's mother was extremely energetic by this.

"Yes mom." Mitsuba groaned slightly embarrassed. "Hi Ms. Mitsuba! I'm Minamoto Kou, nice to meet you." Kou smiled and pulled a hand out towards her. She had gladly took his hand and smiled back.

Letting go, Mitsuba's mom said, "Make yourself at home! If you need anything feel free to ask me. Have fun you two." She tilted her head slightly to the left and smiled more gently giving a warm feeling to Kou.

Kou nodded. "Come on Minamoto-kun." Mitsuba tugged at his sleeve. "Alright alright!" Kou followed behind Mitsuba like a lost puppy.

They got to the door that led to Mitsuba's room. "Don't touch anything hella-lame earring." Mitsuba spat out. "I won't." Kou observed the room.

It was messy. Some English work book laid out on a desk. Right above it were books filled with photos Mitsuba had taken throughout the years after he'd held his father's camera.

A huge window in the middle of the whole room showed the bright sunny day they were having. There was a latter that led up to Mitsuba bed. The set-up was pretty fancy and cool, if Kou would describe it.

Kou turned to Mitsuba. "What should we do?" He really had no idea on what to do. It was his first time there and it was a bit awkward.

"You dumbass. YOU FORGOT?!" Mitsuba yelled. Kou's stupidity was really getting on his nerves at this point. "Uhm, well, uhm.." Kou thought on what he'd done yesterday.

Helped Yashiro-senpai with pool cleaning.. Setting up a play date for Tiara..

Mitsuba was disappointed in him. "Don't even think about it, you're too stupid. Math? Remember now??" Kou eyes brightened up. "Yeaahh! Sorry I forgot Mitsuba-kun." Kou rubbed the back of his neck.

"'Yeaahh'." Mitsuba mocked him. "You needed help on studying for the upcoming test?" Kou asked to make sure. "Well no shit. I suck at math, it's confusing and so difficult for what!" Kou laughed at that.

Mitsuba had always enjoyed Kou's laughter. He'd never admit it, Mitsuba would just call it obnoxious and annoying. "So which part do we work on?" "The beginning, I skipped class during the beginning of these lectures." Kou slowly nodded.

He was practically saying you shouldn't do that. I pulled out some homework due the end of the week. Kou tried his best at explaining it but he didn't really succeed at it.

Mitsuba payed attention more to him then his teacher. It kinda worked for him.

At an unexpected moment Mitsuba's mom came in the room. "Sorry to interrupt you two boys but I made food for you both." Mitsuba stuck his tongue out at his mom, she had startled him.

His mother halfway closed the door. "That women is a monster at times.." Mitsuba mumbled under his breath. "We should go eat," That earned a small punch on the arm. "What was that for?!" Kou yelped and held onto the arm that had just gotten hit.

"We're almost finished come on. I don't want to complete it later." Mitsuba got back to writing some things on the paper. "Okay, just hurry." Kou leaned next to Mitsuba, their shoulders brushing against each other. Mitsuba's face flushed in a crimson color.

Kou didn't notice anything and started reading some things written on the paper. Mitsuba was relieved that he was idiot most of the time.

After maybe 4 or 5 minutes they completed it. Mitsuba let out a long, dramatic sigh. He stretched his arms. "Now we can go eat I guess." He had gotten up from his desk chair. Kou was already up so he just waited for Mitsuba to lead him to the kitchen.

"You keep following me, creep." Mitsuba said now feeling like his cocky, rude self. "This is my first time here! I could get lost.." Kou played with his (lame) earring. Mitsuba stopped and burst out laughing.

Small tears prickled the corners of his eyes. "Y-You would get lost!" He kept on laughing. Kou was now more humiliated.

Not long after the incident they went to the kitchen. Mitsuba's mother sat patient. "Took you long enough. The food was getting cool!" She ment it more to Mitsuba not Kou.

Mitsuba sat next to Kou while his mother sat in front of them. They had chicken (since I have no idea what they should have).

In the middle on eating Mitsuba's mom started a conversation. "So how'd you two meet! I'd love to hear how Sousuke met his friend." Kou hummed, "In first year we had the same class. We kinda just talked." Kou said.

"That's interesting! Mitsuba's never h-" She was interrupted by Mitsuba kicking her leg. "Oh sorry Sousuke." That was her cue to stop talking.

Mitsuba just muttered something and went back to eating. It was an awkward silence after that.

Kou and Mitsuba finished eating so Mitsuba dragged him outside. They spent most of the afternoon on the homework that they had lost track of time. "Sorry Mitsuba-kun, O have to go move by 5:30. Teru-Nii would freak out if I hadn't come at the time."

Kou was about to run but he stopped himself. "Hey Mitsuba-kun? How about we hang out sometime again." Kou nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Mitsuba scoffed, "Like I'd allow you in my house again! You're too lame with that stupid earring!" He pointed. "And you probably want to do things with little cute me! Pervert, Lame-ass Traffic-safety earring, c-" Kou ruffled his hair.

He smiled, "Bye girly face!" Kou ran off now.

Mitsuba stood in the doorframe. His face now matched his hair. His mom came from behind, "Isn't he the boy you once called cute in one of your rambles?"


Mitsuba stayed on his bed awake all night. He was looking at photos he'd taken of the blond boy randomly.

The more he thought about it, he realized.

"I'm in love with my stupid, lame, best friend.."

Mitsuba groaned, it was going to be a long night for him.

Hahah, this sucks. Sorry I'm not good at writing, this is my first fic on them!

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