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Thanks for reading, I'm sorry if its bad or something like that!

Mitsuba's POV:

I quietly waited for Kou at the school gates. Students past me and went inside of the school. I made sure to look for Kou amongst all the students.

"MITSUBA—" I flinched and turned to the sound. It was Kou and he had tripped probably on air.

"PFTT! What'd you fall? A ghost tripped you?" I leaned above him. He slowly got up and rubbed the side of his face.

Kou shook his head, "Probably on a rock or something." I noticed a small box wrapped up neatly. I picked it up and said to Kou. "Is this for me?"

He got up and brushed off some dirt that got on his uniform. "Yeah, it's a thank you for letting me stay at your house and eat dinner. Open it up at lunch!" Kou beamed.

I gasped. "Have you fallen for me?! Sorry I'm not into lame-ass earrings." I let out a small laugh. "No! Also we should get going." Kou said while walking a little ahead of me.

"Hey don't leave me behind silly earring!" I ran next to him.

During lunch~

Me, Kou, Satou, and Yokoo were in an empty classroom eating lunch. "Thanks for letting us join again." Yokoo sat on a desk near me and Kou. Satou sat in front of him and turned the chair to be facing us.

"It's no problem! The more the merrier." Kou smiled at them. I kept quiet, I had the small box Kou gave me. It had a pink bow on top of it, it was neat that's all I'd say.

Kou, Satou, and Yokoo started talking about random, stupid things. I was just there it was a little awkward for me to just join in their conversation.

Carefully, I unwrapped the little gift. A loud gasp, accidentally, escaped my lips. Which cause the stares of my friends.

"Minamoto-kun!" I smiled happily. "You got me flan?!" The flan was on a cute little plate. I adored how much effort he put on it. Kou had a small blush.

"Yeah, I remember you once said you liked it so I decided to make some." I was about to thank him but I stopped. "You made it? There is no way you could make flan without setting yourself on fire." I scoffed.

"I did make it and hey! I know how to cook and bake!" Kou yelled back at me sounding quite offended.

Kou and I just began to bicker and argue on it.

Yokoo and Satou just sat and watched while also eating lunch.

"You haven't even tasted it!" "It probably taste like shit." Kou just glared at me. Scared me a bit so I just squeaked out an 'okay' quickly.

I took a tiny bite, surprisingly, it wasn't to bad. "So?" "It's okay, you could've done better this sucks." That just left Kou confused. I could tell by that face he always has on while confused.

"Are you guys done or?" Satou broke the silence. "Wh—" The bell rang.

I quickly ate the flan not wanting it to go to waste. I gave Kou back the item(s?).

Kou walked me to the class, I made a small comment on how creepy it was. He ignored it as usual, soon waved goodbye to me and went to his next class.

Kou's POV:

After school I ran into Yashiro. I decided to spend some time with her. Amane was just there with a Tsukasa glued on his arm.

"So Kou-kun, how'd it go? Did he like the flan?!" Yashiro beamed.

It was her idea to give Mitsuba a gift for staying a bit at his house.

"I think. Mitsuba-kun called it okay and that it sucked at the same time" "You know him. He probably liked it, your cooking is the best!" Yashiro complimented.

"Thank you!" I smiled. Amane changed the subject entirely and started talking to Yashiro. Me and Tsukasa just listened, not really taking a big part in the conversation.

My phone got taken away for like 4 hours that's why this chapter is late! I have no ideas for the next chapter so if you want leave suggestions,
thanks for reading. :)

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