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I have no idea so let's get straight into the chapter-!
(Art not mine)

Kou's POV:

While Yashiro and Amane were still in the middle of their conversation a spotted Mitsuba near a small pond.

"Senpai, I have to go, we can talk later bye!" I waved and ran off. "Bye Kou-kun!" Yashiro waved back, so did Tsukasa. Amane smiled, that's about it.

I snuck behind Mitsuba. He was taking a photo of a frog, some insects in the frame too.

Mitsuba snapped some photos. He didn't notice me, he was too focused on taking the picture, perfect.

I observed the place, it was beautiful. Mitsuba was picky on what photos he takes. Always saying he takes photos on things that were important to them, not a lot of people fit that distribution for Mitsuba.

I began to speak, "This place is pretty.." I didn't say it loudly but Mitsuba definitely heard it. It startled him, he accidentally took a photo when he jumped.

"STALKER!" Mitsuba yelled in a panic. He'd slapped me, not very hard. "What?! No, I was walking with Yashiro-senpai and saw you so I decided to come over here."

"Daikon-senpai? You're still a stalker by the way." Mistuba put a hand over his month while saying the last part. "I am not!" "Yes you are!" "Can I see the photo you took?" "Yes yo- What?"

I changed the subject which left Mitsuba confused for a while. "Of course not! First you stalk me and now you're demanding to see the beautiful pieces of art I took? PERVERT!" Mitsuba yells again. I sigh loudly.

"Fine, but can I stay. I have pretty much nothing to do." I said. "Sure but don't distract me lame-ass." Mitsuba pointed the camera towards the pond.

The water shined with the sun, Lilly Pads were also visible. I subconsciously smiled.

A small clicking sound was heard for some time. Mitsuba had hummed at the latest photo he took. "Perfect." He muttered.

My eyes widened at A thought I'd got, "Hey Mitsuba, How about you take a photo of me?" I smiled. "I'll be the best subject you've ever had!"

Mitsuba froze up. He shook his head and said. "Why would I," he pointed to himself. "Take a picture of someone as lame as you? Not even in your wildest dreams, idiot." Mitsuba hid his face under the slightly large camera.

"Come on just one! After that I will stop asking for them." I offered. "Gross, I'd rather be uncute, which will never happen." I playfully tried to take the camera. I wasn't exactly using all of my strength.

Mitsuba shut his eyes and yelled, "Get your hands off my camera! You just want me to take dirty pictures, eh!" "Please?" "No!" I let go of the camera. He took a few steps back.

He pouted, I thought he looked a little cute. WAIT, CUTE?!- I slapped both of my cheeks at the same time to get rid of the thought.

I sighed, Mitsuba started to wonder off to a small hill near the school. It had a Sakura Tree planted at the middle. Small petals fell and glided across the air, the wind taking it along.

Mitsuba sat under it and placed the camera on his lap. I followed and sat next to him. "Y'know Minamoto-kun.. Before when we weren't friends, I use to spend most of my time here. In this exact spot." Mitsuba tilted his head up.

Mitsuba sighed, looking down with a smile, his face had turned a light pink. "I'm glad I met you."

We sat in a silence. Only the cold breeze every once in a while. We enjoyed each other's presence.

"I'm glad we've became friends Mitsuba-kun." I put a hand on top of his, expecting an insult or a push. Which I've got none, Mitsuba had just stayed in the same position. He hesitantly leaned his body against mine, leaving his head on my shoulder.

I felt happy that Mitsuba had trusted me enough to actually to that.

We stayed until sunset, it felt odd for some reason. I didn't think about it too much.

I looked down at Mitsuba, he'd fallen asleep. I felt my face heat up at the sight for some weird reason.

It was getting dark and I didn't want Mitsuba's mom to get worried on where he was. I shouldn't wake him up, he looks to peaceful and adorable. I shouldn't disturb him.

Careful on not to wake him up, I slowly picked him up. I made sure not to accidentally scratch him or one one his items to fall. I carried him bridal style.

Walking to his house I made sure to be on high alert to not trip on something.

The house was tricky to find since I'm not familiar on where he lives. But eventually I ended up finding it.

I tried to knock on the door which led to me almost dropping Mitsuba. He didn't fall, luckily. The door opened, "Hello?" The voice called out.

"Oh, Sousuke's friend! Come inside, you can put him on the couch." Mitsuba's mom stepped out of the way. I put Mitsuba on the couch, His mom talked again. "Would you care for some treats? I don't mind making some, especially friends of Sousuke!"

I smiled at her, "If it's not a big problem, I would want some. Thank you." "Awh, it's no problem. You can watch TV while waiting!" She offered me the remote control for the TV. I thanked her then she went into the kitchen.

There was a small table next to the couch, it had a rather large book.(I do not know what they are called so I'll call it book for now. Sorry if it confuses you! Onto the story-)

Reaching out for it, I'd found out that it was filled with pictures. Some were of Mitsuba's family and some had pictures of him when he was young. Mitsuba used to have different bangs, ones that showed both eyes instead of the one he does now.

Both matched him well. After a lot of flipping it stopped showing photos of family and more of landscape.

They were all beautiful but it came to a stop. I placed the book to it's original spot and stretched my arms.

Not long after, Mitsuba's mom came to the living room with a plate filled with home-made sweets. "Take some, my treat." She smiled and tilted her head sideways.

She sat down beside Mitsuba and started messing with his hair. "In school what's Sousuke like? He's never told me any stories about it, he's never mentioned a friend until you came." I nodded and hummed. "Mitsuba-kun acts like a regular student. He completes his work, that sort of thing." I rambles to her.

"That's nice to hear!" Mitsuba's mother placed a hand under her chin. "Well there is more," I started. "Mitsuba always calls me rude nicknames like lame-ass Traffic-safety earring boy, silly earring, and stupid. It doesn't bother me much though." She slowly nodded.

"Sousuke says a lot of mean things, he once called me carrot monster hag. You know, the more mean he's towards you, the more he likes you!" She winked. "I'll keep that in mind." I smiled at her.

My phone started to ring, I excused my self and got up to take the call. "Hello?" I said. "Kou-nii! Can you come home? Teru-nii stopped playing with me and I'm tired if playing with the Mokke." It was Tiara on the other line. "Oh, sure. I'll be there in a jippy, bye!" Tiara hung up. She didn't even say bye back.

I walked to where Mitsuba's mom was, "I have to go Ms. Mitsuba. I had a nice time talking to you!" I smiled and got something I had left on the couch. "Really? It's okay, I'll let Sousuke know you didn't just abandon him. Have a good night!" She waved at me.

I waved back and left.

Then, started to walk to my own house knowing I'll have to spend hours playing 'princess' with Tiara. I liked to play it, when it's all three of us.

A made my way to the house and unlocked the door.

Let's just leave it there.

I guess the game they'd play would be called 'princess' since that's a nickname they had given Tiara.

Also Mitsumom with Kou hahah.

(The photos were taken by the father not Mitsuba. Just wanted to clear that up.)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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