The morning

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This is going to be in first person. The main character is Ashley and she is flying alone

I arrives at the airport lacking energy due to her 6 am flight. I passed through security like a breeze, now the hunt begins for caffeine. I graze through the terminal and spot a Starbucks. I rush over to get 2 espressos. I place my order for the coffees, I also added a egg/ cheddar biscuit. The employee that was making my drink was a girl that I remembered from high school but that's besides the point. "Ashley" I hear my name called from the counter, I grab my drinks and food and head to the terminal. I spot A-20, I peer at my boarding pass and this is my spot. I enjoy my espressos and biscuit over some time while relaxing.
"A-20 Flight to Switzerland will be boarding in 10 mins."
I briskly get up and head to the toilet, just to get any reserves out. The toilet is fairly busy, out of 10 stalls 2 were open. I enter the open stall in the center, people on both sides, sit down and let out a brisk pee. My stomach lets out a slight rumble, nothing that would concern me. I push
a dry noisy fart. I blushed as I knew people would hear it and smell it. I wipe and before I get up to flush I hear, " oh no it's not setting well.... Oh no."
A massive eruption of diarrhea from a lady 2 stalls over.
*she moans*
as a wet bubbly fart erupts out. I could only imagine that toilet bowl. I go back just in time for the plane to board. I walked up to the boarding area scanned my boarding pass. "Have a great flight" the blond stewardess smiles.
"Thank you" I smile and continue down the hall to the plane. I enter the aisle, my seat is 5 rows from the back of the plane. I scan the plane looking for the lavatory. It looks like it's at the front of the plane....
Near the end of the boarding process, the flight is actually pretty full. Luckily I only had one person sitting next to me (I'm at the window seat, the passenger is at the isle seat).
I'm sitting there waiting when another small rumble emits from my stomach.
"Hmm I needed the energy but I know coffee gives me a slight urge." I thought to myself
I ignored it and rested my eyes while everyone settled in their seats.
The pilot comes over the intercom
"Good morning I will be your pilot today, the flight to Switzerland should be around 12 hours."
"I am sorry to inform you that the 4 lavatories are broken at the moment, but don't worry. We have diapers readily available if you have the urge to go. Please ask one of our flight attendant."
I shuddered in my seat, I knew I could not wait 12 hours to poop after coffee.
my stomach protesting to the pilots announcement.
I try not to think about it and soon I feel the relief as the rumbling passed.
"Flight attendants please prepare for departure." The captain announces
I feel the engines start working and soon enough we had left the ground. We were about 10,000 feet making a turn when I felt the urge to fart.
A noisy fart as it was amplified by the seat. I groan in relief as it felt so good. I look two seats towards the aisle and the young woman seemed to not notice
"What a relief" I thought to myself. I decided to listen to r & b while I shut my eyes. I had to be out for about an hour as I am woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach
My stomach is gurgling heavily. I feel some pressure enter my rectum
"Oh n-n-noo" I mumble quietly. I am losing control of the pressure building up

Two wet bubbly farts slip out. I definitely know that anyone within a row or two heard that. Feeling slightly better, I look up to the front where I see a woman wearing red with a hand over her butt. She is bouncing back and forth clearly trying to hold impeding bowels.
I could roughly make out the words
" d-do you have a-a place where I can relieve myself?"
"Of course right here." The flight attendant points to a changing table that is at the front of the plane
" I will get you snug into a fluffy diaper"
The flight attendant lays the lady down on the changing table and fits a snug diaper on the lady.
There is a portable toilet seat that the flight attendant set up for the lady, in full view of the cabin.
I am so engulfed in the situation that I relaxed my butt. Even after a short period of watching the pressure got unbearable. I let out a long wet bubbly fart. The smell was rancid.
" I never get that smell from coffee" I thought
I resume watching.
The flight attendant speaks to the lady in red "is little girlies tummy upset?"
The lady released a massive explosive fart. Followed by a rumbling sound as she let out the massive poop. She let out a few more farts, then the flight attendant took her to the changing table.

I stop watching as did most the cabin. I go into my bag and get out a few handfuls of cashews. My stomach rumbled obnoxiously, I shift in my seat as a silent fart slipped out. Oh my god it was toxic smelling.
The passenger next to me look over
"Oh my god what did you eat? I would go and see the flight attendant if I were you."
My face turns bright red as I am embarrassed.
I try to ignore the gurgling moving lower into my intestines. A few mins later, the strongest cramp struck. I lift myself off my seat as my whole body shudders from the cramp.
a series of explosive fart exit as I try to regain control. A small spurt of diarrhea (enough to feel it in between the cheeks) leaks out as I pinch my but closed. Sweating I slowly get up knowing inevitable is about to happen.
"Please please let me get out omg I don't know how much longer I can hold it!"
I cry out to the blond hair girl sitting next to me. She got the message, she quickly hopped out of the seat as I fidget my way out of the row.
A round of farts explode out. Now half the plane is watching my every move. I shove my finger on my butthole through my tight blue jeans.
"Is she going to make it?" I hear a man saying when I passed his row. Another cramp stirred my stomach
Still fidgeting forward the wettest farts I have ever has escaped my bowels. The smell make a few passengers give me nasty looks.
I arrive to the front where the flight attendant is.
"P— pl—please I need to go, I'm about to have an accident" I whimper to the brunette flight attendant
"I see girlie can't control her tummy, lay on the changing table for m e sweetie"

I sit on it, I lay down, and a aching pain takes over my whole abdomen

My stomach bubbles and a short wet fart enters as well as a bubbling spurt of diarrhea on display for the whole plane.
The flight attendant quickly takes off my leggings and panties.
I release a small shart a few drops of dark brown droplets land on the changing table.

"H—hh—hurry please I'm losing control"

"What has your tum tum so upset? Girlie is making a big stinky in her panty"

" I—I don't knowwww.... I can't control it "

The flight attendant quickly finishes putting the diaper on. I try to sit up
"O—oh no the whole is watching" I turn red
I get up take 2 steps to then camping potty.
" I'm so sorry, I can't hold it, it hurts soo bad"
A loud rumbling arrives as the passenger watch.
"the cramp noo" I announce
A stew of mushy hot brown diarrhea rips out of my butt.
I moan as a second wave explodes into my diaper. I rest for a second as the pressure has died down.
"Is little girlie all done in her diaper?"
I attempted to stand, I can't, the sharp pain hits again. I push a stream of gassy diarrhea into the diaper again
"Wow girlie erupted in her diaper"
The whole cabin saw the dark brown mush that was almost leaking from the diaper.
The flight attendant lays me down on the changing table. The movement erupted another bout of diarrhea.
It smelled horrible in the whole plane the flight attendant spent around 10 mins wiping the diarrhea off my skin. Finally I got up, slid my legging on with no panties, feeling refreshed and had the walk of shame back to my seat.
Once back to my seat the lady next to me speaks
"Wow what could you have eaten for that eruption to take place? So disgusting"

"I'm sorry, I literally could not hold it back I just felt it flow it hurt so bad"

I am exhausted after having the explosive episode I lay back and sleep for 5 hours.

I woke up, hearing noises from the front of the plane it grabs my attention. I see a woman no older than 25 trying to push out a load in the toilet chair. With a red face she pushes to no avail.
The flight attendant directs her back to her seat a row over from mine.
" it's okay sometimes our tummies get us nervous"
She sits back down in her seat wearing a diaper.
I shift in my seat to get comfy, when I hear a squeaky fart come from a row over. The same woman shifting and Turing letting out a ton of quiet squeaky farts.

Skrrrrp buuuurrrt

She stands up slow. Let's put a juicy fart which she leans over in pain. Still waiting for the passengers to clear the row she cramps and slowly exits the row.
Farting with every step each one's sounding wetter than the one before. She takes her sixth step and erupts in a blowout in the middle of the aisle. She is so close I hear another roar from her stomach.


"Oh my god" she shrieks

A light brown sludge starts flowing out of the leg holes in her diaper. Another gassy explosion leaks onto the floor. A pile of corny light brown poop is sitting in the middle of the aisle.
She slowly crawls to the flight attendant.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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Diarrhea emergency on airplaneWhere stories live. Discover now