"I Love You"

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Fishing out the little mirror in her back, (Y/N) checked her makeup before turning towards Jasper.

The two of them were standing in front of her house. Only the street lights illuminated their figures.

"How quiet it is," the young girl murmured under her breath. Her eyes were fixed on the tall building she learned to call her home.

Jasper looked around them, nervously checking their surroundings. His whole demeanor was different, ever since (Y/N) told him about her plans. There was no way he could refuse her wish of introducing him to her parents.

To be honest, the mere thought that she considered him worthy enough to bring him to meet her parents made him thrilled. Never did he dare to dream about this. Yet, here he was, anxiously waiting for (Y/N) to give him the signal to go inside.

Excitement was bubbling up inside his stomach. Like butterflies infected him with their cheerfulness. He couldn't be happier. Really.

A sigh left her like, pulling his attention back to herself. Unlike him, (Y/N) seemed to be less... happy. He didn't know if it was his fault or if something else was the cause of her discomfort.

His mind went back to a few days prior. He clearly remembered Elliot's face in front of his eyes. Those puffy red eyes begging for the (H/C) haired to stop her sadistic ritual.

But (Y/N) never did. She never showed any signs of forgiveness towards someone who wronged her like this.

With Elliot at her mercy, she let all of her built-up frustration out on him. Jasper couldn't help but feel pity. He knew what the redhead went through at this moment; he experienced the same kind of pain before.

But there was nothing he could do to stop it. (Y/N) wanted it and there was no way of interrupting her when she was this furious.

Shaking his head, the young boy followed close behind her to the front door.

He couldn't let himself be affected by these thoughts right now - no, he had to show himself from his best form to obtain the approval of (Y/N)'s parents.


The (H/C) haired despised how fake her mother seemed in front of Jasper. How she and her stepfather acted like a perfect little family without any flaws. But she knew the truth.

The picture-perfect image they built for themselves was fragile. Small things could break the illusion but they looked blissfully unaware of it.

"So, Jasper," her stepfather Derek took a sip of his wine before fixing the young boy next to her with his eyes. "How long have you known our sweet (Y/N)?"

The boy in question stumbled over his words, afraid to say something that would anger (Y/N). And, of course, still trying to impress her parents.

However, (Y/N) focused on different things. She couldn't care less about what Jasper said to them. She was fuming inside from watching her stepfather pretend to be an involved dad when he was everything but that.

How dare they?

Their marriage was a joke - a financial opportunity for her mother while completely ignoring the sinking mental health of her own daughter. They never tended to her needs as a child. Yet, now they wanted to portray themselves as exemplary parents.

Her mother laughed. She put her hand on her husband's shoulder, teasing him about his "fatherly instincts".

(Y/N) turned her attention back to Jasper before she had to vomit from her parents' antics. The young boy gave her a shy smile while gulping down. She could easily tell how hard he tried to appease the two adults by the way his hands tripled his pants so tightly.

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