[ 2 . The Interview ]

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Honestly, I'm not sure if I knew where I was going. Vanessa never told me where to meet her. I look at the watch on my wrist. Shit, 11:56. I'm gonna be late. I think to myself. I frantically look around for someone who might look like they work there, and eventually found a front desk.

"Excuse me!" I begin politely. "Erm, I have an interview here with Vanessa at 12? I'm not sure where im supposed to go, nobody told me."

A short woman with brunette hair popped up from under the security desk.
"Oh, yes! Right this way dear." The woman says kindly, hopping up from her chair and begins walking. We eventually get to another office, with a name above the door. it read Vanessa A. I'm assuming this is her office. The brunette haired woman subtly walked away, and I knocked on the door to the office in front of me.

A woman with a blonde ponytail and a name tag that says "Vanessa" on it opens the door.
"Hello?" Vanessa says, with a slight confused tone. "Hi, Vanessa! It's Y/N, I have an interview with you for a security guard position?" I replied. "Oh, yes hello! Come in please." She invites me in, shutting the door behind us.

Vanessa takes a seat on a chair with wheels, and so do I. I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. Vanessa started talking. "So, you're interested in being a security guard?"
"Yes I am!" I spoke with a smile. "It's full-time, correct?"
"You'd be correct. Although it's different here." Vanessa paused. "You'll be getting a dorm-like area, we will provide you with laundry, food, water, and other necessities. You'd basically live here to put it short." She explained.
I sat there with a blank stare for a moment, taking in what I just heard. Would I be up for that? I mean I have my own apartment and everything.. I pondered to myself. Without thinking further, I began to speak.
"I'd be up to do that!" I exclaimed. Was that what I meant to say? Was I really able to practically live here??
"Great! Well then, you're hired!" Vanessa belted without a doubt in her voice, tapping her feet on the ground.
I was stunned. I was hired!? She didn't even ask me any questions! Well I mean, at least I have a job now? That's a start I guess.
"Oh- W-onderful! When do I start?" I choked on my own words, I hearing a tone of uncertainty in my voice.

I watched Vanessa stand up from the chair she was previously sitting in. "How does right now sound?" She seemed excited. She extended her arm, reaching reaching out her hand as to help me up. I reach forward to grab it, as she pulls me forward and up onto my feet.
"Come on, I'll show you around." She doesn't let go of my hand, I feel her fingers slowly intertwine with mine as she's dragging me around.
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks with our hands together. I don't know why, but it made me feel almost.. safe.


Vanessa finishes showing me around, then lead me back to my.. room? Apartment? Dorm? I don't know what it was considered, but it was quite fancy. We walk in and the scent of roses fills my nose immediate. There was an entire, fully made, Queen-Sized bed. a small kitchen area with a stove, fridge, sink, and plenty of counter space. There was even a bathroom with a shower.

"Woah." I stare in astonishment, it was beautiful. I walked around, looking at everything, completely for getting Vanessa and I were still holding hands, but not loosening my grip.

"Thank you for showing me around Vanessa." I stop, turning to look at her. Her cheeks were tinted pink. "I-It's no problem Y/n!" She stumbled over her words, grinning. She looked.. nervous? I wasn't sure.
"Oh- Uhm. I gotta go. Bye Y/n!" She let her grasp of my hand loosen, our hands disconnecting from one another's, chuckling. As Vanessa walked away, her hand just ever-so-slightly grazed my waist.

Vanessa walked towards the door, opened it, and left. I was alone now.
I stood there, not entirely knowing what to do from this point forward.

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