What about me?..

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TW: Mentions of death.

Tommy heard knocking on the door. Tommy opened the door to see Sapnap. "Sapnap! What's up?" He smiled. "Hey toms.." Sapnap said as he went in the house.  "Hm? do you need anything?" Tommy asked. "Well- i uh heard that Techno, Tubbo and Eret avenged Ranboo's death!" Tommy's eyes widened and stayed silent. "Tommy..i-" The boy looked at Sapnap and started crying. "Sap..Techno laughed when he heard i died. HE LAUGHED. HE DIDN'T EVEN SHOW ANY SIGNS OF SADNESS OR CONCERN. A-AND I'M HIS BROTHER..TUBBO DIDN'T EVEN CARE..MAYBE HE NEVER CARED SAPNAP.. MAYBE ALL THOSE YEAR THAT I WAS THERE. FOR HIM. FOR THEM..was never..good enough.."  Sapnap gave the boy and hug. "Why can't i have the brother who cares for me..why can't i have the bestfriend who..-"

"W-what about me..sapnap!?"

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