Chapter 1: Last day of school! woo?

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 It was a warm evening, You were walking to the cafeteria for lunchtime, gripping your backpack's strap on one of your shoulders you suddenly felt a grip on your shoulder. On instinct, you turned around and gripped the arm of the person holding your shoulder. To your surprise, it wasn't a bully but a man with light brown hair and glasses.
"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else"
You apologized, and let go of the man's arms.
The man only smiled and took his hand off your shoulder
"Oh! It's not your fault, I shouldn't have gripped your shoulder like that. I think this belongs to you?" 
He held out his hand, You looked down to see a pen, It was clearly yours since it was customized and even had your name on it because it was from your best friend's birthday. 
Deciding to tease the boy you grinned slightly and looked up at him
"How did you know it was mine? Are you stalking me?" 
The man's eyes widened before he laughed
"No no, It fell out of your backpack Ms.. N/N(Nickname)?" 
You blushed slightly at the nickname.
"Well, Thank you.. but it's sort of unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours. Don't you think?"
The man smiled and gave you back your pen
"Lawrence, I'm 18."
You smiled and put the pen in your pocket
"Nice to meet you Lawrence, I'm 17."
He was about to speak before he was interrupted by Judy who was running to you
"N/N! N/N! Let's go have lunch~!"
You waved goodbye to Lawrence, Flashing him a smile before Judy dragged you away. 
Lawrence stood there for a while before walking away and finding a private place to blush wildly.


"N/N she's staring at you.." Judy pointed out as she glanced at Scarlett from another table.
You sighed and turned around, Glaring at Scarlett back as you took another bite of your sandwich. The redhead next to her noticed this and made her turn away. 
The bell started ringing, So you looked down at your watch to check the time
"The fvck? We still have half an hour to eat." 
Judy shrugged before you heard the announcement
"Everyone please evacuate the school and head to your homes."
Of course most of the students were happy while some people looked rather concerned. Most of them left anyways, including you after you bid farewell to Judy. 


What the hell is happening? What is that smell? Is that blood?
Is that a zombie?


It's been several days.. Maybe even weeks, Not like you were counting anymore.
You were alone and seeing your surroundings you were doing pretty well. You were in a 3-floor apartment building. You've barricaded most of the entrances on the first floor except for your secret entrance of course. You had plenty of food and even found a farm and pet dog. 
You've named him Vin, Short for Vincent. You've built rope- bridges from your apartment's roof to the other nearby buildings. 
Today it was time to build more bridges into other places, Today you were aiming to build a bridge to: Your old school.
You of course made it there safely, using your rope bridges and flexibility you managed to connect a bridge to the roof of the high school building.
As you found the door on the rooftop, You tried to open it but it was locked. You quickly took your lockpick and unlocked the door, Once you walked in you gripped your weapon, A simple knife attached to the edge of a broom(Like a spear). As you walked you checked every classroom, Suspiciously they were all empty and even.. clean? To some extent. The blood there was dry, Signaling no one had died in them recently. You made your way to the lower floors before a scream alerted you. You looked to your right to see a blonde girl, You recognized her immediately. 
You quickly stood up and covered her mouth
"Scarlett shut up. The zombies will hear you, Are you fvcking crazy?"
Scarlett took off your hand as she started running towards a classroom.
After a while, a familiar-looking man came out. It seemed he recognized you as well.
Your eyes widened as you realized who it was
Another familiar voice yelled from inside
"N/N?! N/N! You're alive!"
Judy came out running, She immediately hugged you tightly. You hesitated before firmly hugging her. You could hear even more footsteps, In a few seconds, there were 5 more males and 3 more females, including Scarlett who was standing in front of you.
"Hurry! Someone pick her up and throw her out!!"
Scarlett yelled while gripping onto a vaguely familiar redhead's arm.
"Y/N L/N."
Another voice spoke, Everyone looked at a man in the back of their group in surprise.
You squinted your eyes and let go of Judy
The man nodded and you smiled, giving him a hug. To the surprise of the others, he hugged back.
"Okay, what the hell is going on? Who is she?"
Another redheaded man asked.
"Who cares! Just throw her out!"
Scarlett yelled out, Only to be met by a glare from Lawrence 
"N-No we can't! We can't throw her o-out to the zombies!"
Judy yelled, In a panic.
"And what if she's infected?"
A dirty blonde-haired man said while looking at you, suspicious.
"I-If I may.. I'll check her with Judy."
A short black haired girl with glasses said, Lawrence gave her a nod, He must've been the leader because Judy and the other girl pulled you away

After a few minutes, you came out with the other girls.
"Not infected"
The black-haired girl said, pushing her glasses back up.
"So what do we do?"
The familiar red-head asked
"Throw her out! We have enough mouths to feed!"
Scarlett yelled, At this point, you were getting annoyed at her
"I can leave. I have my own place."
You said in annoyance and tiredness. Judy protested as Lawrence and Ethan shook their heads. As you were picking up your spear and bag from the room another man spoke.
"It's not safe being out there alone.."
You turned to the man, He had silver hair and calming eyes.
"I'm not alone, I have a dog--"
"Stay with us."
Lawrence suddenly interrupted you, Scarlett and the non-familiar redhead looked at him in shock at what he just said.
"What?! Stay with us?! We don't have enough food and she has a dog!"
"Can't we just hold a vote?"

Another girl said in a quiet tone while Scarlett spoke, no one seemed to hear her except you, though.
"Your friend just suggested a vote"
You said louder, For everyone to hear.
"A vote?! No way! You're leaving and--"
"That's it. Why are you so insistent on her leaving Scarlett? Did you forget how we saved you when you were literally begging to be let in?"

The familiar red-head spoke, And by Scarlett's angry and surprised reaction you could tell she liked him.
"Thank you for your.. 'Hospitality' Scarlett, But I can survive on my own."
You stated. before Ethan spoke up again
"But you don't deserve to, Just stay with us okay?"
You sighed and rubbed your temples
"Let's have a vote, and if you all really insist.. I'll stay."
You said before most of them nodded and led you to the classroom they were in before, After a few minutes of silence, Lawrence finally spoke.
"Okay.. Everyone who votes for her to stay raise your hands"


I'll try to make the second chapter today or tomorrow! if you liked it and have suggestions please comment-- It motivates me to post ^^

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