Chapter 2: Democracy in a zombie apocalypse?

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Harry, Lawrence, Ethan, Judy, and Hailey raised their hands 
"And.. who votes she doesn't stay?"
Harry says as he lowers his hand with the others. 
Eugene, Sue, Jay and of course, Scarlett raised their hands. 
"So.. Does that mean I can stay? "
Lawrence was about to speak before he got rudely interrupted by the blonde girl.
"No! Zion.. raise your hand."
She glared at the redhead, You looked at Zion, he had an annoyed look on his face before his beautiful yellow eyes met your e/c orbs, You swear you could see his expression soften.
"Are you really going to let her order you around like this?"
You suddenly said, looking him directly in the eyes. You could feel Scarlett glaring daggers into your back as the redhead she was talking to raised his hand
"I.. I vote for her to stay." 
The blonde yelled, enraged at 'her' redhead's decision.
"That makes 6 votes for her to stay, We have our decision."

Lawrence said calmly, a small smile spreading on his face. 
Judy yelled, wrapping you in a tight hug in which you could barely breathe
"J-Judy my spine.."
You managed to blurt out, making the orange-haired female let go of you.
"Fine she can stay or whatever.. But we still have a food problem, We can't support you fully."
"Eugene we'll find--"

You interrupted Lawrence this time
"Apologies, Lawrence. But not to worry.. I've connected your school to plenty of farms and animal pens we could get food from."
You said, Slightly smirking, smug about your bridging method.
"You're as resourceful as ever"
Ethan complimented as he wrapped an arm around you.
You felt your cheeks heat up as you felt his hand on your waist.
You quickly looked down to hide your red face, not noticing the glares that were directed at Ethan.
"Well. While that is.. wonderful. You have helped a lot, thank you N/N."
Your face got even redder from the nickname.
"N/N? That's cute, who gave you that nickname? Your boyfriend perhaps?"
The tension in the room got thick as Zion asked the question, Unable to reply since you were still flustered, your best friend saved you.
"I-I gave her that nickname!"
The men sighed in relief, A few had small smiles on their faces.
'Thank God, Judy..' You thought as you shook your head, Looking up at everyone
"Where should I sleep then?"
"We all have our separate rooms, But since I don't want you I mean.. Anyone! in danger.. you should sleep with one of us."
Lawrence cleared his throat as he talked.
"Since you know me the longest.. Wouldn't it be logical to be with me?"
Ethan looked down at you, his hand still on your waist.
"Well I'm her best friend!"
Judy retorted, "I'm the leader here.." Lawrence, "Hey since I was the settling vote to let her stay shouldn't I sleep with her?!" Scarlett looked at Zion, pissed at his addition as Eugene hit Zion on the head
"Don't say it like that dumbxss!!"
Eugene sighed and added his own reasoning
"Zion is an idiot and it's funner in my room.. I-I have more space for you there.."
He looked down, clearly ashamed but he had a tint of blush on his face.
"My room gets pretty lonely at night, It would be nice to have company"
Harry held your hands, his ever calming smile and loving gaze plastered onto his face
"Z-Zion! Let me sleep with you please--"
Scarlett pleaded, Zion just shook his head, causing them to argue.
"Y-You could stay in my room.. It is quiet there.."
Hailey spoke up slightly
Their arguments continued and continued until finally, Lawrence slammed his hand down on the table, making the room go quiet and sending a chill down your spine.
Ethan noticed your flinch and wrapped a jacket around you
"Hey its okay.. He only did that to shut them up.."
He reassured you, of course whispering.
"Let's all take in account that it should be Y/N deciding this!"
The people nodded, apologizing to you.
"I-I think it would be better if I could talk to everyone separately..? So I can really get a feel of if were compatible.."
You managed to say before loud noise erupted in the classroom
"Thats a great idea!"
"See? She's smart."

"I want to go first!"
Lawrence again, made everyone go quiet before he smiled softly at you
"Very well! Who would you like to interview first N/N?"

Well Y/N? Leave a comment for who you want to interview first! And what do you want to ask the boys? :DD

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