Chapter 3:

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Anastasia didn't have to wait long for the Kadins to strike, first sent Gülash Hatun cornered her when Anastasia was putting away the pillows and blankets, warning her to forget about rising as Hürrem Sultan would make sure she will fail.

"Are you the one they call Anastasia?" A Cariyes asked, well more like demanded. "Hürrem Sultan wishes to speak with you."
Knowing that it would be rude to deny such a request, Anastasia threw Ayşe a worried look before following the girl to the Royal wing of the Harem.

The walk was quiet, the concubine was barely over the age of sixteen and still had her first blush of youthfulness in her eyes, she kept turning her head to see if Anastasia was still following- annoyance in her eyes when she was.
Was she hoping that I was not following so she could complain and hope to get me in trouble?
Anastasia thought, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the childish antics of a mere concubine.

They both stopped at an elaborate door, on either side stood two servants, dressed in elegant silks. The girl knocked, a voice gave them permission to enter, the servants opened the doors without looking up; allowing them to enter.
The girl stopped at the small raised area, surrounded by decorative cushions of rich fabrics, Anastasia was sure most of the fabrics was satin, silk and velvet. A beautifully crafted, metallic table, perhaps made of gold or copper stood in the middle of the space. And sitting on the couch, facing Anastasia was Hürrem Sultan, with the Şehzade Selim fussing in her lap.
The girl bowed respectfully, before stepping forwards to take hold of the fussy Şehzade. "My Sultana, I have brought you the slave Anastasia as you requested."

Anastasia gave a small bow at the mention of her name, true that she was a slave but Anastasia was in fact a gift to the Sultan, something that she had over most of the other girls.
She did not dare to look up from Hürrem's slippers, Anastasia had seen Hürrem Sultan several times, flaunting her position as the mother of Şehzades in their faces.

The scarlet haired woman was indeed beautiful, the elegant silks and decorative jewellery emphasise that beauty, Hürrem was silent at first- perhaps examining the potential threat or to see if Anastasia was just a mere slave that had luck.

"Anastasia," Hürrem called, her voice sweet but her eyes flashed with anger. "Does life in the Harem please you?"
As if you care about my answer. Anastasia thought, before glancing up to face Hürrem, knowing how to play this game.
"It was quite a shock, I must admit my Sultana, but we are well cared for. The Kalfas and Aghas are kind enough." Anastasia spoke, smiling a little. "As a gift for our Lord, I am glad to have a lifestyle that is close to that I had grew up with."

Hürrem sat upright, her eyes flashed with anger at the relevance of Anastasia's position, had they both still be Cariyes; Anastasia's position would be higher than hers.
Hürrem was a slave whilst Anastasia was a gift.
Hürrem tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, showing of the emerald ring that was on her finger, another gift from the Sultan- one that Mahidevran even tried to say belonged to her.

"Glad to hear." She replied bitterly, the facades of sweetness and care fell instantly. "At yesterday's celebration... You made quite a spectacle of yourself."
"Valide Sultan requested for entertainment, I was given the opportunity to entertain to the best of my abilities, my Sultana."
Annoyance flashed across Hürrem's face, as she rise to her feet- sizing Anastasia like a lioness stalking her prey.
"I meant the scene you caused with the Sultan, not the dance." Hürrem hissed, eyes narrowed.
Anastasia knew at that moment, the Kadin was intimated, trying to scare her into backing down and if anything where to happen here- those who witnessed it would side with Hürrem. "Do you think that little stunt would get you anywhere near the Golden Path?"

She grabbed Anastasia roughly by the hair, yanking the girl's head back, the other girls in the room kept their heads bowed. "The Golden Path is closed to likes of you, Cariyes, you're navies to think the Sultan would be swayed by a mere pretty face. No one walks the path to the Sultan's room, not without my consent."
Letting go of Anastasia's hair, Hürrem pushed her back as if she was filth and waved her hand, giving the signal that the meeting was over.


Nigar Kalfa had pulled Anastasia aside once she returned to the Harem, noticing that the girl seemed rather disturbed, it wasn't long that the rumors of the meeting between Hürrem Sultan and Anastasia were spread throughout the Harem.
"Anastasia." Nigar spoke, earning a small bow from Anastasia. "I will only say this once but be careful of what you say and do from now on, who knows what will happen from yesterday's stunt. The Sultan is unpredictable as are the Sultanas, if you value your life and wish to survive, have someone in your corner to help you if you are called to walk the Golden Path."

The girl nodded, breathing deeply. "The Kadins protect their positions and their children's heritance, shall a Cariyes threaten to rise, they will pull tricks to shoot them back down."
Anastasia instantly knew that Nigar was mainly speaking of Hürrem, since she was the one that had the Sultan's heart within her claws as Mahidevran Sultan barely walks the Golden path nowadays.

After Nigar Kalfa's warning, Anastasia returned to the main room of the Harem, where both Halimë and Ayşe were sharing a small tray of sweetmeats.
Fatmä instantly rose from her table, ushering Anastasia to sit with the small group of friends she had made within the Harem, all eyes were upon her.

"Are you alright?" Ayşe Hatun called, handing her a goblet of sweet drink, perhaps it was sherbet?
"What did Hürrem Sultan want?"
Anastasia took a deep breath, remembering Nigar Kalfa's warning and that of Hürrem Sultan's.
"Nothing much, she just told me that I shall never walk the Golden path. Ever."

Fülane Hatun let out a scoff. "See. You have angered the second Kadin, she will personally see that you fail."
"Enough." Ayşe snapped, narrowing her eyes at the older Gözde. "Didn't Sümbal Agha requested you to prepare entertainment for Valide Sultan?"

With another scoff, Fülane Hatun walked off to prepare for the Valide entertainment, a small sigh escaped from Fatmä.
"What's wrong?" Anastasia asked, head tilted slightly as she nibbled on the array of sweetmeats in front of her.
"Ayşe and I thought that, you know what, never mind."
Anastasia arched an eyebrow, her eyes shifting between the two older girls. "Tell me."

"I had thought that at least you would be the one to break that Russelana's spell." Fatmä spoke, sighing. "Maybe I was wrong."
"No, Valide Sultan and Hatice Sultan couldn't keep their eyes off Anastasia." Ayşe whispered softly, nibbling on some sweetmeats. "They were whispering between each other along with Gülfem Hatun."

Anastasia took a bite of the sweetmeats. "What do you think that means?"
"Well Halimë Hatun was able to get some information from one of the severance that serve Valide Sultan, apparently they are planning something, but she is unsure of what as they stop speaking the moment anyone even comes close."

Anastasia went to sleep that night with more questions than answers, she hoped and prayed that the answers would come when morning comes.

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