Chapter 22:

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It had been nearly a full month since Hürrem was exiled to Eski Palace, though Melekşima made sure that the investigation for Ayşe Hatun's murder did not stop, it was then that Işmilah came forth with information that could help Hürrem's innocence.

A Cariyes was getting some water during the supposed time that Ayşe died, she admitted that she did not see Hürrem Sultan in the corridor as both women were in the shadows but the killer was a dark-haired woman, far from Hürrem's scarlet locks.

When Melekşima heard of this, she then demanded the girl be brought forward, promising to protect her until she could give her testimony over to the Sultan. Naturally, she did not trust Ibrahim to be neutral in this as he had his own agenda, Halimë followed him to Eski Palace, with the help of some Aghas loyal to Melekşima and watched as he bribed Hürrem with the possibility of returning to the palace but she must first show respect to Mahidevran Sultan, as Şehzade Mustafa will inherit the throne.

That was when Melekşima knew where the Pasha's loyalty lay, with Mahidevran her son, no wonder she wasn't exiled to Eski Palace when she poisoned Hürrem or beaten her to near death- Ibrahim Pasha had been whispering in the Sultan's ear to keep her here.

And Hürrem's children were constantly restless since the absence of their mother, especially Şehzade Selim, he was not drinking from the wetnurse assigned to him so Daye Hatun brought the Şehzade to Melekşima since she was still breastfeeding Osman.

It took a few seconds but Selim attached to her bosom on the first go, Daye seemed happy and would share the news with the Valide, Suleiman heard that Selim drank Melekşima's milk and soon Şehzade Selim was brought into Melekşima's care.

Finding a small chance, since Ibrahim Pasha was currently at his palace with Hatice, hosting the Royal couple, Melekşima dragged the Cariyes to the Sultan and ordered the girl to repeat what she had said.

Sakdia was moved from the favourites wing back down to the main room, a few girls teased that she was no longer Valide's favourite, and her dark eyes glanced over at Melekşima Sultan- the thorn in her plan.
She was the one who was supposed to sleep with the Sultan, and she spent all those months gaining the trust of the barbarian's family, especially Hatice Sultan and the barbarian's mother. Then she came, the Vienna's tribute turned Kadin, Sakdia's plans were going up in smoke, she should have killed the bitch when she had the chance and her bastard.

Sakdia knew she had to tread carefully, for her contact with the outside world and King Louis had to be killed due to him pushing himself onto an unsuspecting Cariyes that he had his eye on the moment she stepped into the Harem and he lost his head for it, and his would-be victim was in the service of Hatice Sultan.

She will have to bide her time, another chance to strike at the Ottoman barbarians will come, and Sakdia will have to play as the loyal pet for now, perhaps even getting close to one of the idiots serving Melekşima.

The Valdie was in a mood all day, Hatice Sultan went behind her back and took Şehzade Mehmed, Selim, and Mihrimah Sultan to see Hürrem without her permission as the children missed their mother. It was unclear if Hatice Sultan mentioned to the Russelana that Selim drank from Melekşima, for it might ruin the Kadin's happiness in seeing her children in over a month.

Sümbal Agha announced that the Sultan called for Melekşima, who acknowledged the summons and began to prepare herself, it was there that he decided to bring Hürrem back as his investigation came to the same as Melekşima's.

Hürrem was innocent.

"Hürrem's children will be overjoyed by the news, they miss their mother greatly," Melekşima joined him on the terrace, wrapping her arms around his waist, instantly spotting Mahidevran Sultan at Şehzade Mustafa's balcony, which overlooks the Ottoman Empire but also gains access to see the Sultan's balcony. "When will Hürrem return, her chambers will need to be prepared."
"Tomorrow," Suleiman replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Their moment was interrupted by one of Gülfem Hatun's maids, she bowed lowly out of fear and excitement. "Gülfem Hatun had gone into labour, my Padishah."
Melekşima's face paled, it was too early for the birth as the end of the pregnancy was a good month away.
"I must go and support her," Melekşima spoke, bowing quickly to Suleiman and almost running towards Gülfem's chambers.

Gülnihal was already there along with Daye Hatun, Melekşima was greeted with a bow as she took hold of Gülfem's hand, since Gülfem was her pillar of strength with that of Halimë during her birth of Osman, she made a vow to Allah that she would return the favour.

After moments of pushing and a lot of screams later, Gülfem had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, she was disappointed that it was not a Şehzade for her position as a Hatun won't change but at least this baby was alive.

The Valide Sultan took hold of her newborn granddaughter, who had the Sultan's dark hair but Gülfem's eyes, once the new mother cleaned and her daughter was returned to her- Suleiman made his appearance.
Mahidevran seemed in good spirits since the birth of a Sultana meant that Gülfem's child wouldn't be a threat to Mustafa's claim to the throne, she was reaching high, everyone knew it, she even began to refer to herself as Valide Sultan.

Suleiman took hold of his newborn daughter, beginning the naming ceremony and whispers prayers for her to hear.
"Your name is Hüsuni, your name is Hüsuni, your name is Hüsuni."

Suleiman stayed in Gülfem's chambers that night but visited Melekşima and Osman the following morning.

"You have lived up to the position as my Kadin, Melekşima, how I wish others followed your example."
Melekşima said nothing but immediately knew who he was referring to, Mahidevran and Hürrem.

That afternoon, for all those in the Harem to see, Sümbal Agha approached Melekşima Sultan with the Sultan's degree.

"Melekşima Sultan," His voice rang out, Daye Hatun standing beside him with a beaming smile. "With your actions as the third Kadin, our Padishah has declared you as Haseki Melekşima Sultan."

Melekşima took hold of the letter that was the Sultan's decree, placing a kiss on it before holding it to her heart. "I thank you, Sümbal Agha and I thank our Lord for this gift."

There was a small feast held by Valide Sultan, celebrating the birth of Hüsuni Sultan and Melekşima's rise to Haseki Sultan, Mahidevran's façade of happiness dropped whenever eyes weren't on her, Gülash Hatun whispered small praises in her ear to please her mistress's ears.


The music immediately stopped as silence fell over the Harem as the Russelana made her appearance, everyone waited with battered breath as she walked over to the Valdie and bowed, pressing a small kiss to the hem of her robes.
Melekşima glanced up, noticing that Ibrahim Pasha was watching from behind a screen, smirking as if he won against the threat that was Hürrem Sultan.

Hürrem came to Melekşima, bowing but the younger Kadin stopped her as she was about to kiss her robes. "Rise, Hürrem. You have done nothing to me to ask forgiveness for." Melekşima spoke, getting to her feet. "Come, your children have missed you."

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