Chapter 1

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I walked down the sidewalk, moving my head up and down to the tune of my song. It was one of those days where it was cold, but not freezing. Just good enough to where I could survive in my hoodie without freezing. And thats exactly what I was doing, and best yet alongside my best friend of 12 years, Jeremy Heere!

The thing about Jeremy is he is- or was the kind of kid that nobody noticed. That was until he got the dreaded SQUIP. I don't really want to get into detail about it, but for a short period of time it ruined everyones lives.

Anyways, back to Jeremy. After he got the squip, he became more popular and established a pretty cool friend group consisting of Rich, Jake, Chloe, Brooke, Jenna, and myself. Well- not really. I didn't want anything to do with most of them as our history wasn't... the best. As the loser, most of them have had their fair share of bullying me. Not that it matters anymore, but I still just don't want to... I don't even know. I sound like a pussy. I truly just like being a loner. Yeah- that's it! I just like being alone.

When it was just me and Jeremy, dont get me wrong that was nice. But now, since there are so many people, I tend to want to be left alone. I can tell Jeremy feels bad, but it's all good.

Speaking of Jeremy, I have noticed recently that I feel differently about him. Like I feel all... I dunno, flustered I guess you could say. Like I get butterflies and I blush at the slightest of movements. I keep repeating to myself, "Please be platonic..." Just because I really, really don't need to be crushing on my best friend of 12 years who currently has a girlfriend.

Oh, and I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but he finally got with the girl of his dreams. Christine Canigula. If I wasn't as gay as the rainbow, I'd probably have a crush on her too. She's pretty, smart, nice, and extremely enthusiastic. Perfect for Jeremy! But that's the problem.

She's perfect for him...

Just as my song finishes, me and Jeremy arrive at the gates of our school. Normally I'd drive my PT Cruiser, but the weather was actually decent for the first time in like... A month. So I took advantage of that even though Jeremy totally wanted to kick me in the balls for it. Since this kids practically a twig, a slight breeze will have him chattering.

At one point during our 15-minute walk it got so bad I just threw my jacket at him and laughed as he immediately threw his bag down onto the sidewalk and scrambled to get it on.
"Thanks, Micha! I thought I was gonna freeze..." I chucked.
"Believe me, I could hear." I obnoxiously reenacted his chatters, making them sound 10x louder and more dramatic then they originally were. He shoved me to the side and laughed.


For some dumbass reason, as soon as I felt myself get butterflies, I punched my gut. Hard. Jeremy turned quickly with an expression I can best describe as, "What the fuck."

"What the fuck?" He asked, turning his head like a puppy.

Since I didn't even know why I did this, I didn't even attempt to reply.
"U-Uh... I don't know why the hell I did that, honestly." It was true. 75%, at least. He just stared at me for a moment before turning and continuing his walk into the building.

First period began, and we parted ways. Our schedules were pretty similar, the only hours we didn't have together were 1st and 7th. Normally I would walk him to his 1st period class, but I stopped for two reasons. 1.) Christine started walking with him after they started dating, and I decided it would only be fair to give them their desired "couple time."
2.) Christine started walking with him after they started dating. And with my growing crush on Jeremy, I didn't want to put myself through that.

Watching the guy I have been pining over in secret get kissed, hugged, and adored over by someone so much better than me just... Isn't my cup of tea. I walked into my first period class and sat down at the desk in the back. I unintentionally slammed my bag onto the ground which grew some pretty embarrassing attention to me. I apologized shyly and pulled out a pen and paper for whatever long lecture awaited me.

I started daydreaming. Daydreaming about Jeremy and I being something more than friends who get stoned in each others basement and joke about how the fan looks like a fidget spinner or how dolphin porn is, "educational." Although I knew the odds of that were impossible, I still liked to daydream. At least it could be true in one reality, even if it is just my brain.

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