5. At Ease

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Almost one month had passed since the break in at your apartment.

At first, Hange wanted you to take some time off of work, but you refused. Sitting home with your own thoughts and fear was the opposite of what you needed. Eren's apartment was much safer than yours was, but you still felt scared sometimes if it was just you alone there.

Jean didn't mind you moving in with them and actually began to really like Peep. You would walk into the living room to find him passed out on the couch with Peep curled up on his chest. It was cute.

Eren gave you your own key the day after you "temporarily" moved in, along with a small switchblade and a mini bottle of pepper spray you kept on your keys. The police weren't able to collect enough evidence from your apartment to arrest anyone, but you both knew in the back of your minds who did it, although neither of you dare said it. You just wanted to move on from it and Eren respected that. After apartment shopping for a weekend and not finding anything affordable or in a safe area, Eren decided for you to just stay with him. He insisted it was fine and that you guys weren't moving too fast, although sometimes your anxiety told you otherwise.

Your relationship with him had been pure ecstasy, but over the last two weeks he was becoming a bit more quiet. You knew he was training for his first title fight at the gym and he was training really hard, so you tried not to bother him with your insecurities. That was until the past two nights where you've woken up to him texting someone at three in the morning. When you questioned him, he didn't tell you who it was. Just insisted it was "work stuff" and not to worry about it. But, of course you did. No gym client would text their trainer at those hours.

Sometimes on your way to and from work, you could've sworn someone was following you, or stalking you from the shadows. Reiner hadn't contacted you since Eren changed your phone number, and for that you were still so thankful. Bertholdt hadn't dared to show his face anywhere since Eren practically broke it, but Floch did still come around more often than anyone wanted her to.

You were on your way to work on Saturday morning when your phone started to buzz.

Sasha -

Hi lover!! Were going to that new club tonight! Pls pls pls come <3

Y/N -

I can't, Im sick :( *cough cough*

Sasha -

It'll be so much fun, you deserve a fun night out since everything happened last month!

Sasha was right, you hadn't gone out to any parties since that night. You weren't sure if it was fear or guilt for not being home when it happened, so you punished yourself for it. Maybe it was time to let that go, too.

Y/N -

Fine, but you need to pick out my outfit.

Sasha -


Your shift went by normally- slow and filled with Hange asking you questions that were far too personal. Eren had texted you during your lunch break that he was going to go out with you guys tonight, but would have to meet you at the club a little later due to him having to stay at the gym with this 'client'. You were beginning to lose patience with him, the doubts flooding your mind.

Was it a girl? Maybe it was Floch. She was so obsessed with him. Every time you guys saw her out, she would give you dirty looks and go out of her way to hang all over Eren.

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