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        Jungkook opened his puffy eyes and looked around to see no one beside . It was common that he was alone every time . He stand from the king-size  bed and go to his cupboard and opened , take a 3 pills and swallows it in one go .
He came downstairs only to see his maid was making ready to his kid taekook . He cleared his throat and call his kid in a deep voice . Taekookie... taekook snaped his head to his father who was looking with no expression. Taekook asked in shattered voice mm... y.. yes pa.. papa . Jungkook asked blankly did you get a fight yesterday with your classmate . Taekook shook his head as and opposes himself . He bully me.. he said I don't have a mama ... but I said my papa.... is my mama then he insulted me by saying kookie having no appa . Kookie said papa is enough for kookie . But again he  said my papa is arrogant brat who never care about anyone . Kookie  cant take it anymore and kookie punch his face . Who ever tell bad about my papa kookie will punch his face.

     Jungkook gulped the lump in his throat he feel like he was not alone anymore.  He have his son . Who ready to protect him in this age . He want hugg and kiss his baby . But his legs were stuck and his emotions are dead a long ago .

     Jungkook slowly nodded and sad in cold tone if anyone bully you don't hessistate to broke his tooth . Kookie excitedly nodded and jumped like he was excited to broke his bullies tooth . He excitedly said yes ... papa.. I will broke his tooth ...

    The maid cleared his throat and said what type of dad is you .. telling your child to hurt his friends it's not good bunny you have to advise him good not to hurt anyone . Jungkook sarcastically chuckled and said I don't said to him to hurt his friends I said him to hurt the people who hurt him because I dont want to see the pathetic Jungkook in him the maid know how much he hate himself . She was seeing this young man when he was only 19 and have 6 months old child and no one beside him . She can clearly see that the boy was roaming in the streets for food but not for himself for his child .

       What can a 19 year old boy do . He dont have anyone . When her first  boss hope told her that he found Jungkook in bridge who try kill himself and  his child just because he can't see his child dying because of starvation.  Now also she can see the pity face . That Jungkook was long goo  .... 5 years changed everything that pity face replaced with a cold and arrogant one . The poor boy now become a billionaire. He worked hard for his child . To give his child a better life that he dont get  he dont want to see his son starve anymore  . The pains he hold in his chest now also teach him how to stand all just for his child . But earning everything alone makes him emotionless and cold.

    Taekook cutely looked at his papa and said papa yesterday teacher said kookie was so much good at studies dont you give kookie a gift papa... maid looked jungkook and said ..yes bunny I see he is good at his grades mm... you should give our little kookie a gift . Jungkook nodded and said  what you want just go shop with aunty and looked at the maid and said I will transfer the money I have a important meeting today .

Kookie murmered not wanted to heard by his papa.. mmm.. cold ass kookies papa  don't kookies papa know what is gift . Gift that all people give suprisely but kookiespapa  always tell me to buy gift myself kookies papa is bad ... jungkook heard everything he know his child is mad at him . But he have to let it go..  he dont know how to express .no one ever express their love to him they always  express   hate towards him .

  Jungkook suppressed the tears and go straight to his room for a  a shower .

        In Seoul

   A clingy man exactly like cute bear  was teaching the class . Some girls and boys are drooling over the figure . But it makes a man outside burn in jealousy.  He want to burst inside make his husband fuck him hard in front of everyone that every one will  know that  he was beloved to the great jeougguk . Who won everything by a snap who own the biggest jeon company by himself . His parents love him like a gem . His husband loved him like hell . He almost passed out evernight because of how his  husband roughly bounce inside him. He loved him other than anything in this world . His husband who make him pregnant and give him a cute little son  taegguk .

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