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      Jungkook placed strawberry cakes in the table.. today is Sunday... he made strawberry especially for his son.. kookie.. yawn and sit in his sit start eat.. jungkook cleared his... throat and ask... how you end up in janitors room yesterday ... kookie sigh and said ..  papa ... ggukie.. he have been bullied ..by seniors... you know they beat him ... hardly ... he ask me to help him to get back his lunch boxes from that bullies .... jungkook frowned ask... you is one once tell he is the biggest bully in your school ... kookie nodded with a mouthfuls of cake and smiled with that and yes... but I was mistaken..  he is a the most scared .. innocent .. cute ... boy with a boxy smile.. he dont like to talk .. to anyone... he like to be alone.. papa..you ... know  ..he can laugh... and smile.. too... when I first see him giggled ... with his boxy smile..... kookie feel like to pamper him ...  kookie was amazed  ... jungkook slightly smiled ... a certain boys image come in his memory ... when he first .. see him.. he also thought he was that boy don't know.. how to laugh and smile.. but when he is... smiled at him with his boxy smile   .... he was also amazed ...

       The sound of door bell ... heard and he back his sense.. he stand ..up and open door only to see two boxy smile and one bunny smile... he was confused yet ... what the hell they doing here ... taehyung entred inside the house....not caring about the confused bunny ...ggukie also entred and shouted ... kookie    .....ggukie is here where are .... you  .... jungkook looked at other bunny smile  .... ..jeongguk awcardly smiled and said.. mm..umm.. ggukie..said.. he want to meet kookie.. so.. the sentence interupted when jungkook said.. come inside with a emotionless and cold tone ....

   Jeongguk smile fade suddenly but suddenly put his smile back come inside the house .... jungkook wide his eyes .. when he see taehyung with his apron and cooking  ...like he come to his own house ... jungkook came in to the kitchen and ask coldly... Mr Kim... your forgetting that it was my house... Taehyung widely smiled and said... bunny ... oh.. you come... it's been long that we cook together right  .... .. so today iam going to cook  for our babies ...favorites   ... 

     Jungkook know.. Taehyung was doing intensely to get back to his bunny  back... ... jungkook sighn and said.. coldly ... do what ever ... taehyung slightly smiled and do his cook ...

      Jeongguk looked at the boys who was playing with each other ... brothers ...this is what he want ... seeing both playing each other ...smiling each other ... he want them to eachothers happiness... each others strength... help each other when other is in trouble... unlike him... if he help his brother his brother never gonna face this much in his entire life ... kookie ... looked at jeongguk who was gazing them intensity..

    Jeongguk again looked at the doe ...eyes .. he can't say .. it jungkooks doe eyes... or vs doe eyes that kookie have ... but the eyes are beutifull... but that  doe eyes was ... scared.. of his own uncle... jeongguk feel tug in his heart... how can he scare him.. ggukie looked at the awkward situation and caressed and said..kookie.. can papa also play with us ... jeongguk wide his eyes .. but nevertheless he sit with team fellows ... kookie feel uncomfortable at first but ... eventually he started love... jeongguk being cute time to time.... kookie understand.. his uncle was cold outside and cute inside.. just like his Dad...

     Another door bell heard ... and jungkook sign and open the door only to see his husband was standing with a awcard smile... jungkook suddenly ask.. coldly... don't tell me you also hear to see kookie.. Mr... v bite his lips.. and said..... mm..umm... no... iam.. iamm.. here .. to... here to.. see my brother... he shattered badly ... his heart beat was in the peek .. this is the first time.. v seeing Jungkook this much close ..last it was 6 years back... Taehyung yelled ... oh... v you come..come.. inside... why you standing.... jungkook shut his eyes close... to not show any anger ... because his son is here.... moreover he is scared of Taehyung who was talking like nothing happened... acting like nothing bestfriends just like before .... and he was scared ...that taehyung will may be left here ... with a sad heart  ...

      Taehyung know .... jungkook will shout at him... jungkook will say something...whatever happens he have to act like this... to get back his bunny back...

   V entered only to see his son and his ggukie..... was playing ...most fun was jeongguk was also playing with them.. v smiled a little ..this is the first time he see jeongguk playing with his son.... all the time...  taehyung will play with him...but jeongguk was always busy with ... his works... but looking at his son hatred  eyes...his heart started to beat faster ... and the pain started to come back... he gulped hardly ... but kookie suddenly stand.. and shouted ... get out ... get out  .... please... then he come to his appa...and started beat him with his tiny hands... the beating was nothing to v ... but it's directly hurting.... hurting each and every where of his body ....the tears ... started to flow from..that crystal brown eyes... which contain dark circles around.. puffy because of yesterday's crying ....

         Jungkook suddenly run to his son make him ... stand away from v ... but the boy anger was in peek ... he was try to beat again... in the air... jungkook shouted ...kookie ...stop it ...kookie  .. also shouted back... why... why should I stop... this man ... who make you ... to go through every hardship right papa .. I know everything iam not that much small to don't understand what going on my surroundings... jungkook tears are also started to come out  ....but he try to hold..hard as much as he can ....kookie looked v who was standing head hang low... because guilt and kookie again shout   .... I hate ..you ... I hate you ... my papa was right you deserve to die  .....

    He can't.. can't.. hear anymore... his son... is hating him ... hating him at the core ... he gulped the lump inside him ... and left the place ... not looking back... he entred in the car ... and left there fast as much as he can ... the blood was again coming from his nose  .... but the tears are not stopping.... but he harsly wipe the tears ... and ... and blood ... his eyes blurred because tears  ..he can't see any thing ... the road was blur... and he was driving in the middle ... to end his fucking life that deserve to die... abandoning his son and his husband in ...streets  .... just for some ones words ... some ones threats ... he dont take it anymore .... his sons hatred words and his husband pittyfull face ..6 years back... he can't it anymore ... he deserve to die ... a truck  come from the otherside  ...... he see...it ..  but he dont want to stop the car  .... he ride faster .... the truck hit his car with a boom sound ..and entred and everything became black....

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