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  Jeongguk was also noticing the changes in his husband's behavior... he was becoming skinnier... always try to study something.. but more like he was byhearting   it ... not sleeping at night .. dark circles... in his husband eyes ... some how it pains him ....

     Kims were eating breakfast... jungkook was not allowed to sit with them mostly he skips breakfast everyday ... he also becoming skinnier...
Mrs kim intrupted  and said .. taehyung.. is it today that your results comes out ... taehyung nodded... she hummed and said ... atleast this time I was expecting more .... then she looked jeongguk and ask... baby... ggukie .. how munch percentage you got last time .. jeongguk suddenly answered mmm I think it was 98 ... Mrs jeon chuckled said and you  know what taehyung got ... 10 percentage.... what would I say.... taehyung feel hurt ... his mother asked about anything about studies now giving  him a hard time ... after the marriage she was acting she was hating his son ....

     V came out the bathroom after showering only to see .. jungkook was in his shirt ... jungkook see his husband and panicked ... mm umm v hyung ... I will give this to you  .. after my clothes dried .... v sighn and said I don't want it you can keep it ... a wide bunny smile appears on his lips .. he said thankyou hyung ... I keep this like my life ... v again disgustly looked at younger and pick his outfit and left the room ..

  Taehyung and jungkook was in cafeteria.  Taehyung was biting his nails    ..... he was scared of results ... jungkook intrupped tataee ... can you buy me some banana milk ... I was thirsty .. and I don't have money to buy anything... taehyung take a deep breath and said ... bunny ... can you please shut up .... don't you see I was in tension... do you think I also have money..... I don't have a penny ...in my hand ... Iam thinking like v hyung was telling the truth ... that your golddigger ... you think you can't  get money from  v hyung so your depending on me now ....

      Jungkook feel a sharp knife piece his heart in to thousand  ...  he know his friend was in tension  ... but he never thought his friend thinking him like this ... exactly like what others think like  a... golddigger .... his painfull thoughts interrupts when the colledge principle announce the result are out ... taehyung instantly run to see the notice board .... jungkook just sit like a statue with no life .. tears are started flow ... he try to stop it but he cant ... taehyung come back with a happy face .... taehyung run to his bunny and said ... bunny ... you know how much I got 60 percentage... I passed bunny ... I passed .. jungkook just nodded ... he hide his tears ...

    Taehyung again said ... you know jimin got 100 this time and gguk got 99 .. but you failed only 40 percentage.. it's Okey bunny we can try next time ... jungkook again just blankly nodded .... taehyung  know why jungkook just blankly nodding he say something that he never wanted to say .. it's come out eventually... he was frustrated about the results and jungkook only care about his banana milk ... so he bursted out .. but he unknowly hurt the younger so much....taehyung sighn and said... iam sorry bunny ... I was so much frustrated that I told you that things I never meaned it I promise  .... jungkook slightly smiled and said ... it's Okey taehyung I can understand... your doing so much for me now ... you give your clothes ... almost everyday you buy me meals .... but stupid me  I always asked for you more.. I shouldn't do that .... taehyung again sadly sighn and said ... then wait here bunny I will buy your banana milk and come Okey.... jungkook suddenly intrupted no ... please don't taehyung I don't want it .... I feel thirsty that time ... but not now ...

        Taehyung want to cry ... what he say was eating him alive ... that time to this .. jungkook only calling him taehyung not tatae.. or brother in law . He try to make up with him ... but younger just slightly smiled and say it's Okey taehyung you don't have to worry ... iam Okey... taehyung and jungkook entered in jeon mansion only to see kims were congratulating jeongguk for his win ... taehyung smiled widely and said ... eomma ... I got 60 I passed this time don't you proud  .... Mrs kim sighned and said... only 60 taehyung you just passed ... don't you  ashamed of yourself ... taehyung feel like his world again collapse.. he studied... studied hard for this 60 and they seeing this like nothing ....
    Jungkook looked at taehyung who was standing like.. a stone that any time fall .. v was congratulating his twin... he hate how he always hug his brother ... he know .. they reunite like friends like before .. but somehow he hate it ... he feel jealous....  taehyung go to his room with wobbly legs ... jungkook go to his balcony with a heavy heart ... taehyung entered in the bathroom and closed it ... he take the razor that he hide In the wall . He started to cut himself ... this time he want to see more.... more blood... after sometimes later he feel dizzy ... he was guilty about saying those hurt full words to his bestfriend..he hate himself for no brain for study .... .. but he wide his eyes when there he heard a knock on the bathroom door ... he suddenly panicked and hide the blade on the wall and clean the blood fastly ... then hide freshly wounds on his long hoodies sleeve .. and open the door only to see ... his husband frowning


      Jeongguk asked what are you doing inside... are you cried hubby ... you look like a shit now ..taehyung instantly shook his head as no and get out from the bathroom .. jeongguk again said... don't take mom's words to your heart she was just hate you for help jungkook that day ... and 60 is a good score   .....

   Taehyung feel a warm feel in his chest ... he fall for his bullie a long ago.... after the marriage he was resisting to look at him but eventually he was lost on him ... he understand his feelings last month ... but he was scared to confess .. confess that he fall in love with his bully ... jeongguk intrupted his husband's thoughts and said ... appa arranged a party at the evening ... because of the collaboration of jeon and kim ... taehyung just happily nodded

    Jeongguk go to his room .. more like balcony of vs room ... he kneeled down in floor ... he hug his legs on this chest ... and started cry .... he want to out his all sorrows ... all he want was a shoulder .... to lean and take out his sorrows he was hurt ... so much  ... hurt .... how can he look after himself .. with no money... taehyung also considered him as a gold digger.... now ... is he now alone ... actually ... did he have no one now... the thought of being alone make him again scared even though he was alone ... he can't breath ... he try to breathe but can't.... after a long fight his breath he calmed down..... he wish he have someone who can tell smooth and lovely words In his ears in this situation...

          V entered in his room only to see the bunny was asleep in cold floor.... he wake him up with his leg and said get up you idiot ... jungkook wake up with his puffy eyes ... v said calmly with no expression... go and get ready ... we have a party today .... jungkook stand with pout and said ... I have nothing to wear ... v calmly replied ... go and ask taehyung like you always do... jungkook hung his head low and  said like a whispering.... I think he dont like to give anything anymore.... v chuckled and said .. I think he will be come to know about  your real self ....

      Jungkook again low his head ... and stand like that ... v take a blue suit from his cupboard and throw it on jungkook and said... wear this ...it was my old cloth ... when I was in colledge ..I think it fit you.... jungkook happily take that ... it was the first time his husband giving something to him .... what if it old or something.. his husband give this to him ...  he happily wear that ...

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