First Attack 18

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Naru: WHAT!!!!
Sasu: If you've been around as long as you said Fox you would know that Hinata was crazy about me
Saku: Sasuke stop!
Lord Hyuga: She wants to get rid of Lady Sakura
Naru: Over my dead body... I'll bring her back
Sasu: If she has join sides with Ren expect they know everything, They will attack soon...
Saku: Naruto I know Hinata loved you... You gave her the reason to live normally...
Sasu: If they find us this war many will will be Hinata's fault....
Naru: It will be your fault she loved you and you ignored her feelings and when she moved on you took my memories
Lord Hyuga: That was my fault I gave Sasuke the order!
Naru: Tsk
Saku: Naruto... Clam down we will get her back...
Naru: I... I'm sorry Sakura this is just...

(Council Members)
Lady Fama: Enough!
Lord Zeus: Let's head inside
Lord Hyuga: Your all here?
Lady Sara: Yes and Lord Hyuga we are displeased
Zantos: We didn't think it would reach this far...
Lady Fama: Let's have a meeting
Lady Monica: Yes

Lady Fama: Let's have a meetingLady Monica: Yes

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Lady Sara: Hinata has betrayed our court...
Lord Hyuga: She's just a child
Zantos: A child!!! She over a 100 years old!
Naru: So you plan on killing her
Lord Zeus: Then what else Lord Naruto
Naru: Your mad!!
Lady Fama: WE CAN NOT ALLOW feelings to get in the way!!
Lady Monica: That's what started this war!
Lord Hyuga: She's my daughter
Zantos: And a traitor
Sasu: Enough!!!
Lord Zeus: Boy! You dear stop us
Saku: He did... (Changes)

Lady Monica: A

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Lady Monica: A...A
Lady Sara: She's a God!!
Zantos: Hyuga what is happening!!!
Saku: Hmph, Only speak when spoken too!
Lord Hyuga: Lady Sakura daughter of Goddess Fayra
Lady Monica: Fayra!!! Nara's right hand!!
Lord Hyuga: Goddess Nara the wife of King Uchiha our Lord and Devin Mother of Lord Sasuke Uchiha!!

A Lady Sara: She's a God!!Zantos: Hyuga what is happening!!!Saku: Hmph, Only speak when spoken too!Lord Hyuga: Lady Sakura daughter of Goddess FayraLady Monica: Fayra!!! Nara's right hand!! Lord Hyuga: Goddess Nara the wife of King Uchiha our Lord...

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Lady Fama: Sasuke!!! He's King Uchiha Son!!!
Zantos: What the fuck is going on!
Sasu: No time to explain... But
Naru: It is true... We can save this for later
Saku: From what I've learned I am higher in Rank than any of you and Sasuke Seconds me...
Everyone: Yes My lady (Nervous)
Saku: Good we have a war to win and we shall, As for Lady Hinata once spotted she must be obtained and detained
Lady Sara: Yes My lady... So your orders?
Sasu: Gather all you men... Sara... Your people will defend the East gate.
Naru: Zantos your on the west
Lord Hyuga: Lord Zeus you'll over see the sky
Lady Fama: I'll stay at the main gate
Lady Monica: I'll defend our waters!
Saku: Now hurry I think there on there way!

Ren: This is it!!!
Hina: We should act now!
Karin: If you betray us Hinata your dead...
Jinko: Your dead either way
Jin: Best to die a warrior...
Ren: Enough we leave now... We will take over the demon world!!
Hina: As long as I get Sasuke it don't matter!!
Jin: We have our station... Let's kill them all!!
Karin: Tsk... Then
Jinko: Begin!!!

(Begining of the war)


Zantos: Hold your position we will not fall
Army: Yes sir!!!

Lady Monica: We will not fall!!!
Army: Yes our lady!!

Zantos: They are here!!!
(Explosion 💥)

Saku: This is war...
Sasu: Ren!!!

Ren: Zantos is that you old friendZantos: Old friend you speak as if we were ever friendsRen: Were we not?Zantos: We weren't and never will beRen: Hahaha (Looks to Sasuke) There you are little

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Ren: Zantos is that you old friend
Zantos: Old friend you speak as if we were ever friends
Ren: Were we not?
Zantos: We weren't and never will be
Ren: Hahaha (Looks to Sasuke) There you are little... Cousin!
Sasu: We are nothing!!!
Saku: (Holds him back) Clam down...
Ren: Well well isn't it the Goddess Sakura!
Hina: Kill her!!
Saku: Hinata!!!


Lady Sara: Stand tall warriors!!!
(In the middle of the fights)

Lord Zeus: Unleashed your inner demons!!!!
Army: YES My Lord!!!!

" The rebellion went on for what seem to be days... We fought and held our grounds this was something new to me... Sasuke was too busy fighting Ren I was trying to reach Hinata... She wouldn't listen... I couldn't even get the chance to tell her Naruto was here...
She wouldn't give anyone a Chance... Lordy Hyuga was at the North Gate... With his followers. Hinata was my problem to deal with"

Jin: King Sasuke Uchiha, Goddess Sakura

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Jin: King Sasuke Uchiha, Goddess Sakura ... Abominations!!!
Saku: Who are you to judge me!!!
Hina: Like I said you don't belong here!
Sasu: Hinata... I'm very disappointed!!
Hina: You should be this is your fault!!!!
Saku: ENOUGH!!! I've had enough of this war
Ren: You can't... (Dodges an attack) * She...she was so fast*

Sasu: Sakura!! Don't

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Sasu: Sakura!! Don't...
Ren: Goddess rampage!
Hina: No... This is different...

€ To Be Continued €

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