Chapter 4

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~Ash's POV~
I was sleeping soundly when I suddenly awoke to Gary's lips pressed against mine. I couldn't see him because my eyes were closed but I could just tell by the way it smells.. He smells like homemade Pokemon food and cheap cologne. Most would find it repulsive but I think it's quite attractive. I reached my arms up around Gary's neck and petted his hair softly "oh.. Gary.." I moaned quietly and kissed him back, it was wonderful! Just like the kisses in my.. Dreams.. Oh.. This is a dream isn't it? Yeah.. I've had this one before. I pulled away from Gary and tried to explain that this was a dream but he just looked awestruck. I guess that's just how dream people are. I tried to pinch myself to wake myself up before he tried to take my clothes off and my mother walked in but it didn't work. "Oh.." I stared into Gary's eyes. So I really just kissed him? Or did he kiss me? Does he like me? Is he drunk? What's happening?!? I couldn't speak, in fact, we sat in dead silence for a year or maybe it was just a few seconds, I couldn't tell. But it was quiet. It was so quiet but it was loud at the same time because his eyes said a million apologies and asked a million questions and my mind was racing with thoughts. After however long the painful quiet was he asked a simple question "Ash, A-Are you gay?" He whispered. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Why do you h-" I cut him off with my lips. I climbed onto his lap and kissed him hard and desperately. I tried hard to push my tongue into his mouth but he wouldn't let me. I pulled out of our kiss and he was as red as a tomato "say 'ah'" I begged him, and he did as he was told. I took this opportunity to tackle his tongue with my own and push him down onto the bed. Did I have any idea what I was doing? No. Has anything like this happened to me before? In dreams..? But no matter what my experience level was, I was going to kiss this boy and I was going to make him love me.

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