Chapter 3 - Looking for you

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(image from Pinterest so credit to original artist)

After Gengar was healed Piers offered to show you around Spikemuth. You let Gengar stay by your side, still feeling a little on edge.

"So what brings you to Spikemuth?" Piers asked. The two of you had already exited the pokemon center and were now slowly making your way around town, with Piers leading of course. Obstagoon and Gengar trailed close behind, exchanging sheepish smiles as and making silly faces (like how kids would tease each other in a comedic way). 

"Well, I was actually looking for you Piers" she said shyly. Her hair draped down her face as she eyed the ground avoiding eye contact. Piers noticed this. He was drawn to Y/N h/c hair. How its h/l framed her face. Piers couldn't help a slight pink tinge to appear on his pale face.

"Of really?!! What for?" Piers asked somewhat intrigued. A pit in Y/N grew larger and she felt a heavy weight in her chest beginning to sink in her skin. Preventing her from speaking. Y/N grit her teeth and grabbed her arms for support. Y/N nails ended up digging into her skin making tears well up in her face. The two stopped walking and just stood there in the middle of the street.

"Hey, it's alright" Piers whispered softly, placing a hand on her arm. His other hand made it's way towards her chin and propped it up. Gazing into Pier's soothing cool blue eyes made you slightly calmer. Calm enough to loosen the grip your own fingers had on your arm. Allowing Piers to trail both hands downward and intertwine his fingers with yours; holding hands. Y/N began to blush.

"Is it something I said?" Piers muttered awkwardly. At this point Obstagoon and Gengar took notice of this gesture and grinned at Piers, slightly mockingly. Piers rolled his eyes before focusing back to Y/N who was now looking at him.

"It's just..." she began, but struggled to find the words.

"I've been having trouble wining battles lately" she tried to explain. The mass on her chest prevented her from elaborating. As if a black cloud hung over her, raining nails. It hurt to admit that she was on a losing streak. It was kind of embarrassing to admit in front of a gym leader, whom she just met and thought was cute.

"So your a trainer looking to get stronger" Piers tried to guess. He looked over at her Gengar, as it was strange for a beginning trainer to have a fully evolved pokemon. 

The two resumed your walk around town.

"Actually, I'm a gym leader. Well sort of a new one at that" added Y/N, her lip quivering as she spoke. Their hand stayed together which eased her anxiety.

"A gym leader, from what city? What region?" Piers inquired. He tried not to sound eager, but to be fair Spikemuth didn't rarely saw people like that.

"Virbank city in the Unova region. I replaced Roxy because she retired. I was recommended by a friend of Roxy's that you might be able to help me get stronger. Since you were a strong trainer after all" Y/N confessed. She was a little hesitant at opening up like that, but felt the need too. Piers blinked, then smirked remembering the name.

"Roxy, I remember her. Rocker girl who specialized in poison type pokemon. You know we never settled the question of who was stronger" muttered Piers.

"So I'm assuming you specialize in poison type pokemon as well?" Piers asked Y/N.

"Yes I do. But I've only been gym leader for a short time. In the beginning I was nervous, but it all went downhill when I started losing battle after battle. Roxy had promised the gym that I was a worthy gym leader; that I was strong. Now I feel like I'm failing everyone" the girl explained. Piers let out a sigh, rubber her knuckles with his thumb.

"I don't think your a failure. You protected your pokemon from a stranger (who turned out to be Piers), got to the Galar yourself and above all found the drive to improve. That takes guts" Piers said sweetly. Y/N looked at him with a slight look of surprise on her face. Not once has she heard someone say something about her without he tinge of disappointment or distain in their voice. A pounding in Y/N chest grew louder which chased the mass that weighed her down away. Was her melancholic state finally being lifted?

"Thanks" Y/N mumbled softly as she grabbed onto Piers's arm, making him blush. Obstagoon and Gengar mimicked this, making Piers and Y/N shoot them a glare. Obstagoon and Gengar merely chuckled.

"What's this about-" Piers was cut off as Y/N pecked his lips. Both of them were blushing at this point. Right in time, as the two of you had stopped in front of Piers's house. 

"No one has ever been so nice to me or believed in me before" Y/N exclaimed. Her arm trailed back down and their hands interlocked.

"I'm glad I could be the first" he said slyly.

"On that note, where are you staying?" Piers asked.

"Oh, I planned on staying at a hotel nearby. Why do you ask?" replied Y/N, tilting her head. Her e/c eyes flickered when she blinked causing Piers's heart to soar.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to stay at my place. I mean because we're already here" Piers explained gesturing to the house in front of them. The house was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a plain grey two story house, similar to the other one's on the block, but looking less run down. 

"I'd love too" Y/N replied with a soft smile. Her h/c hair blew in the wind. The scent of her hair catching Piers attention, and brought him to a state of daydreaming before snapping himself back to reality. He smiled before speaking.

"Great let me show you inside" Piers said walking her inside his house. Little did they realize, someone was inside the house, watching the whole interacting. The figure smirked before reaching for the front door.

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