Chapter 4 - Darling

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"Hey bro" chimed a girl in a sweet voice. Piers tilted his head and greeted the little girl. She had long black hair, tied into ponytails and piercing blue eyes just like Piers.

"Marnie we have a guest," Piers said while turning to Y/N. Marnie smiled and waved. 

"This is Marnie, my little sister. She's a pokemon trainer as well" Piers said.

"Hi Marnie, my name is Y/n. A pleasure to meet you" Y/N cheered, smiling.

"Hi, nice to meet you too" she uttered somewhat shyly.

"Are you two hungry?" Piers asked as he locked the front door behind him and started heading toward the kitchen. Marnie shook her head.

"Nah I ate a bunch of snack when I was hanging out with Hop and Gloria today" she said sweetly. Piers turned to Y/N.

"Oh, I'm alright, I had a big meal before coming to Spikemuth" Y/N replied hastily. The truth is Y/N would easily lose her apatite in stressful situations. She was still feeling down about not being able to defend herself from Team Skull, and more so when she was with Piers. Y/N didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the boy she liked. These spiraling thoughts were soon broken when Piers was calling out to her.

"Y/N are you alright?" he asked, a little concerned. Y/N blushed at the moment.

"Oh, sorry I guess I'm just tired" Y/N said quickly. Marnie looked at Y/N, then at Piers. She could tell there was something between the two. Suddenly and idea struck. While Piers and Y/N were making small talk, Marnie pulled away from the kitchen and grabbed her phone. She was calling Hop.

"Hey bro, is it alright if I sleep over at Hop's place?" Marnie asked. Piers looked somewhat surprised.

"A sleepover, right now?" he asked. Marnie nodded. 

"I'll get my bag ready and Hop should be coming by the gym to pick me up soon with a Corviknight cab" Marnie explained. Piers let out a sigh.

"As long as it's alright with Hop's parents" he let out. Marnie smiled.

"Fine you can go" he finally said with a huff. Marnie raced over to pack her bag and without hesitation walked over to the front door.

"Hey bring one of my Toxitricity with you, just in case" Piers hollered and tossed a pokeball towards Marnie. She caught it, waved goodbye and ran out the door.

"Energetic little one" Piers mumbled. Y/m smiled.

"You must really care" muttered Y/N. Piers blushed at this sentiment. Y/N slowly intertwined her fingers with Piers's until they were holding hands. Piers blushed and pecked her cheek.

"I do, she is all the family I have left" Piers replied. The sentiment seemed to sour his mood. Y/N noticed and cupped his cheek with her free hand. 

"Family doesn't have to end with you two" Y/N said while pecking his lips. Piers blushed and leaned into her touch. He pecked her lips back. After a moment, the two leaned back and stared into each others eyes.

"What do you mean by family not having to end?" inquired Piers.

"Well, I could... be your... family" Y/n explained shyly. A strand of hair brushed onto her face. Piers raised an eyebrow.

"Because I like you Piers, we can be together, and you know have a future. But if you don't want to that's fine I-" Y/N was cut off by Piers pressing his lips onto Y/N's lips. Piers's tongue slid into Y/N's mouth dragging across her teeth. A slight moan escaped her lips. Y/N's hands travelled down Piers's back, then waist. She noted how incredibly thing he was, skeletal even. Her hands rested on Piers's hips. She dare not go any lower. Piers backed her onto a countertop and lifted his knee, pressing it between Y/N's legs. This caused her to moan and deepen the kiss. The two broke away a minute later for air. Piers brushed the bits of hair from Y/N's face.

"Darling, I like you too. Dare to say I even love you" he admitted in a husky tone. Piers's hands snaked their way up to her shoulders. Y/N blushed and they began to kiss once more. Y/N's hands shifted upward until her arms were wrapped around Piers's shoulders. Piers wiggled his arms free from Y/N's shoulders down to her hips. Piers made a coy move and positioned his hands lower. He squeezed Y/N's behind which made her yelp.

"Wha- Piers" she exhaled sharply, blushing madly. Piers simply had a smug smirk on his face. Y/N smiled and decided to retaliate. She ran her hand across Piers's check. Thin, but somewhat toned. 

"Careful darling, you might tire yourself out before the real fun begins" he joked, grabbing her hand before she could lift up his shirt. Y/N blushed and smirked. 

"Then lets rest before the 'real fun' begins. Marnie is gone after all" Y/N pointed out. Without hesitation Piers led Y/N to the living room and sat her down on the couch. He quickly ran to all the windows, closing the blinds before rushing back to sit next to Y/N. 

"Cuddles first" he mumbled as he pulled a blanket over the two of them.

"Its been a long day and you must still be tired" Piers muttered softly while stroking Y/N's head as she lay on top of him.

"Yeah it has, thanks Piers" Y/N replied in a graceful tone.

"So does this mean we're dating?" asked Y/N.

"Only if you want to" Piers responded. He looked down. Piers had never been in a relationship before. Yeah there were casual hookups at the ends of his concerts but nothing serious. He was feeling a bit nervous, but that was all shattered when Y/N spoke.

"Yeah I want too. I love you Piers" Y/N confessed while snuggling up to his chest.

"I love you too Y/N" Piers also confessed to Y/N. He rested his arm on top of her sleeping figure. Piers couldn't imagine meeting and confessing to a girl within a day. This truly was one of the best days he has had so far. He's just really optimistic about what the future holds now. Well maybe the near future in their case. Y/N lightly peppered kisses across Piers's clothed chest causing a quiet moan to escape his lips. Pie's replied by placing a kiss on top of Y/N's head which made her blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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