Chapter 6

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It does still work in the glass eye, you noted, relieved. You gave a small smile in the general direction of Penguin's and Shachi's voices. Were you wearing that uniform you saw in that vision?

"Law wants you at the wheel ASAP," Shachi said. "We're almost there."

You were pretty sure he was talking to Bepo, but you nodded anyway, attempting to insert yourself into the conversation. "We're almost where?"

"Marineford. Things are about to go down over there." Penguin let out a whistle. "Captain wants to get there as soon as possible to help Straw Hat Luffy."

"Who? What's going down?"

"Ah, just a war. Don't worry about it. Here, we'll take you to your room." You felt one of them gently take your arm and let them lead you away as Bepo headed for Law.

"'Just a war'?" you repeated, feeling like they should be much more concerned about this. "Between who?"

"Whitebeard and the Marines."

Whitebeard you at least knew was one of the strongest pirates around.

"The Marines caught one of his crew members, Ace, and is preparing a public execution. He's also that Straw Hat captain's brother."

"Why does Law want to help him?" Law didn't strike you as someone who would do this, and so desperately as well.

"Not sure, he didn't exactly give us the deets either."

You nodded hesitantly, tripping a few times as their pace quickened. They changed the topic, filling you in on details of the submarine as you walked. When they finally stopped, one of them patted you on the shoulder.

"The only vacant rooms were the ones next to the operating rooms," Penguin said. "We're expecting a lot of patients, 'cause, y'know, war, so just a heads up. Might be a lot of commotion outside in a bit."

"It'll be fine," you said hopefully. You felt around for the door and its knob, thanking one of them when they saw you struggling and opened it for you.

While the hall felt cramped, the room given to you was a lot more spacious, much like the surgery room you were in not too long ago. You weren't sure whether your preferred having this much space around you or being able to feel everything around you.

You made your way around the perimeter of the room, trying to make sense of it's layout rn where everything was. It wasn't as difficult as you had expected.

Finally, tired out as you were, you collapsed on to the bed you felt out and just laid there on your back for a while. This was a long day, and possibly much longer if you weren't going to get any sleep.

You'd think that the silence would have helped you, but instead, it just made you feel so much more... blind. Alone, helpless.

You put your hands to your face, feeling the glass eyes in place of your previous ones. You could feel the acid scars around both your eyes, proof that you were blind. The skin around felt soft and frail, as if the dullest blade could breach the surface; a simple rip could tear it apart. You were lying face up, but for somehow you felt your glass eyes tear up. Why were you feeling like this now? This wasn't a problem in the past few hours. There was always something to occupy your mind, but why did it have to come in such a wave?

You took a shaky breath, then sat up. You needed something to do. You couldn't sleep like this, not when you felt so strange closing your eyes to sleep only to still see darkness. Perhaps it was just the conscious thought of it that made it uncomfortable.

You decided to walk around the room, to get used to the dimensions and how it felt. You swept the floor with your quarterstaff, making sure you wouldn't trip on anything. From the door, 8 steps, 6 steps, bed, 8 steps, 6 steps, back to the door. The ceiling was low enough that your fingertips could touch it when you raised your arms.

You repeated your walk around the room a few times to familiarize yourself with it, humming to yourself and tapping your quarterstaff on the floor to fill the silence.

You don't know how long you spent just getting walking around, but before you could go outside again to familiarize yourself with the whole submarine, it suddenly shook and threw you forward. You barely caught yourself with your staff before you could fall. There was a loud crashing of waves, and shouts you couldn't make out.

The submarine was swaying back and forth wildly, and you were barely able to keep your balance. It only stopped for a few moments before moving again, and the shouts became louder.

"They've both lost far too much blood!"

"Prepare a blood transfusion!"

You opened the door to be almost knocked back as something rolled past you, no one paying you any mind. These must be the patients they were expecting.

You followed closely behind best you could, wanting to know more about what was going on. You couldn't tell what was happening, but it sounded like these patients were in serious condition. You heard Penguin's and Shachi's voices above the others, but couldn't make out what they were saying. There were still shouts and noises from outside that concerned you.

Not long after, the crew quieted. Law's voice spoke out.

"All right, let's get started."

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