Chapter 1 - You

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Y/N "Korus" [N/A]

Age - 35

Height - 6'2"

Weight - 77kg - 169lbs

Birthplace - [N/A]

Gadget - Rifle-attached, Heartbeat sensor. (Think MW). Additional Modified Flash Bangs.


Weapons:M4A1 CQB, Dual H&K USP

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M4A1 CQB, Dual H&K USP

Weapons:M4A1 CQB, Dual H&K USP

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Korus came to Rainbow only months after Aurelia, the previous director, had relieved her position to Harishva.

While his skill and ability to work with a team is exemplary, his history has not been divulged by him or otherwise. The resident hacker, Grace Nam, was fed up with the lack of knowledge of the operator and used her expertise to release what she could on the operative.

Nothing was released.

Since he came to Rainbow with no gadget, he worked tirelessly with Jack "Pulse" Estrada to create a smaller, rifle-mounted heartbeat sensor. The sensor displays the distance to the target and the direction of the enemy while not displaying their exact location. He also then worked closely with Elena "Mira" Álvarez to produce a secondary gadget more applicable to most firefights. A flash bang. It was more powerful than standard flash bangs as this one has the potential to cause permanent blindness.

The operators, once getting past the secrecy of the operative, gave him a chance. Now, Korus has fit in with the resident operators while blending in effortlessly and finding common ground with everyone as if he had done this before.

Y/N trains with Rainbow's finest in their areas of expertise. For instance, it was recorded that Y/N and operator James "Smoke" Porter had spent several months training in boxing. Y/N had also done the same with Zofia and Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda in CQC.

Due to this, it is likely that Y/N is on track to becoming one of the organisation's most skilled operators.

Physiological Evaluation:

In the few meetings I have spent with Y/N, I have learnt quite a lot; however, something tells me it is only scratching the surface of this reserved man.

He is honest as any man can be but will lie without an ounce of guilt when regarding another teammate. Typically, Jordan "Thermite" Trace is the one he's covering for so he can test his dangerous concoction of chemicals.

Y/N exudes confidence un-intentionally. When he first stepped foot off the helicopter that brought him to Hereford, several of the operators were slightly intimidated, while others thought of him as, stated by Maverick, a "douche".

Their opinions changed as he spoke pleasantly to the operators with a kind smile.

He prefers being alone and embracing silence. This is not a result of trauma; he informed me, "I have always enjoyed the silence. It's soothing". He prefers a full conversation, electing to skip small talk or would rather silence instead. Due to this, it was difficult to keep him talking when he provided quick and suitable answers.

He is an incredible soldier, and his records display him being the epitome of human combat capabilities. He has the ability to repress his emotions in stressful situations and consistently makes the right calls, even out of his area of expertise which led to me appointing him as a squad leader to allow newer, less experienced operators to learn from him. Mike "Thatcher" Baker, another team leader, said he respects him for many reasons, but his leadership is the biggest one.

He even managed to warm the heart of Taina "Caveira" Pereira, bringing her out of the castle that she built around herself and getting her to interact with the operators.

Y/N is impulsive and unpredictable, leading to many operators having mixed feelings about the operator. Most are cautious, unsure of what he will do next. Others are indifferent, curious to see what he can come up with. He has been known to escalate conflicts and dangerous situations to just "see where it goes", regardless of the consequences to himself or others, which is likely to have caused these opinions.

Marius "Jäger" Streicher and Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier go directly to Y/N for their pranking ideas, twisting their words, causing Y/N to be none the wiser to their antics. Until it is too late.

Y/N is not a person who worries about the future. When he awakes, he does the first thing to come to mind, going with the flow of the day. However, as easily as he can go with the flow, he just as easily ignores it and can move in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. If someone tries to change his habits, he unintentionally becomes blunt with his responses. Due to this, operators with strict schedules are kept in separate rooms.

He also uses logic and reasoning more than emotion to coax his responses. Some operators see him as insensitive, but others, those closest to him, have stated, "He tries; it just doesn't come out the way he wants it to."

His OCD is another factor that causes interest and annoyance in many operators. Those who are tidy and clean don't notice it, but operators such as Ela, who are known to be untidy, are annoyed by his obsessive cleaning and neatness. Specifically, operators; Ela, Kapkan, Mute and IQ are not allowed to be roommates with Y/N as they have the biggest issue, such as Mute and IQ working on projects while Ela and Kapkan are untidy and lazy.

Should the need arise, Y/N always steps into the necessary role without hesitation. The occasions on which he is hesitant prove to be well judged and thought through, causing the planning to be even more thorough and careful.

While being a capable operator, there is much that plagues him that he will not discuss. More than just a few meetings are required to get to know this operator, but in the meantime, I will have to settle for what I have.

- Dr Harishva 'Harry' Pandey, Director of Rainbow

A/N - The Story is back! Chapter 3 is where the major changes are made, everything is the same until then.

P.S these are the big changes I've made to the timelines without giving away too much info,

Pietro survived Sokovia and was not blipped.
Tony never snapped.
Wanda never kidnapped Westview.
(Also, the twins are 34. Not sure if that's accurate; just making sure it is here.) Steve didn't go back in time, and Natasha didn't die at Vormir. Explanations will be included in later chapters. And everyone is just a bit younger than in the movies.

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