Chapter 2 - Hereford

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The military has a structure. An order. Rules to follow.

The Avengers did not.

They had "recommendations".

They were "asked" not to cause damage to a school. To not blow up that hospital. To not level an entire city.

And yet they always did.

It wasn't always their fault but send the military, a PMC, or anybody else and the damage was kept to a minimum no matter what.

You believed the Avengers could always do better. You were one of them.

But things happened, and you left. The name, Avengers, left a sour taste in your mouth. A part of your life that you'd be better off if you'd forgotten it.

So that was it. One day you just packed up and left.

You didn't even leave a note.

Some time was spent on your own, travelling the planet and seeing sights you couldn't even imagine.

But you had the ability to do something. Help someone. Save someone.

You couldn't go back to being an Avenger, and you weren't interested in enlisting in the military. That would have set you back a few steps.

So you contacted an old friend. Maria Hill.

She then spoke to whoever, and they had you on a plane the next day.

You spent many months at Rainbow, barely a year at this point. You have been on countless excursions as you and the other Rainbow operators pushed back the advances of the White Masks.

That is where your story begins.


You were in the cafeteria with your typical group, Taina, Collinn, Ryad, Gustave, Zofia and Eliza.

The familiar rumble of incoherent words were spewed from several operators in greeting due to the early hour of the morning. Zofia and Ryad seemed to be the only ones able to provide a proper greeting, respectively,

"Morning, Y/N"

"Good morning"

You sat down with a sigh, placing your tray of food to the side as you rest your head on the cold metal table in front of you. Zofia poked you as she spoke,

"What did I tell you last night?"

You blindly tried to smack her hand away, causing her to bring her hand to her chest as she chuckled. You reiterate what she spoke to you the night prior,

"Go to bed early, Y/N. You have to be up early, Y/N. Ya know, sometimes I think you have the power to see into the future."

Ryad stifles a laugh as he shakes his head while Zofia responds in a motherly tone,

"No, I just read the briefing packets that you should have read before going to-"

You interrupt her,

"Before going to bed at a reasonable hour. Yes, Yes, I know; you've only told me a million times."

She then spoke sternly,

"Then listen and get proper rest. Otherwise, you'd be trapped in the game today-"

Your head snapped up as you interrupted her,


She shook her head disapprovingly as Taina seemed to wake up at the prospect of a game, and Collinn did the same as he continued to sip his coffee.

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