To Resist the Past Chap 1-7

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I wrote this story on Word before so it is not split into loads of parts. I will try to publish as much as I can.
Hope you enjoy this story! :)

Also, please do not copy my work, claim it as your own or use any of my characters, storyline, text, etc.

Chapter 1


I glanced over at him. His slight frown showed his immense concentration as he measured the exact amount of water to add to the beaker, his eyes wide with anticipation as he added it, then set the timer. I jumped as my own timer went off, pulling me out of my head.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath. Quickly, I took the temperature. 90 degrees. Huh. It should have started boiling by now. Just as I thought that, I saw bubbles appear in the bottom of the beaker. Making sure everything was set, I glanced up again. I blushed furiously as I saw him watching me and ducked my head down to let my long hair cover my beetroot face, only to find my hair tied up in a messy bun, as it should be in a science practical. After waiting a few seconds, I risked another glance up, to see his face almost as red as mine. I felt a small chuckle shake my shoulders, his shoulders rising and falling in a matching rhythm to mine. I felt my best friend nudge my shoulder.

"Earth to starry-eyes. When are you going to ask him out?! I don't know if you know, but girls can ask out people, because we have just as much courage as boys!" Li stage-whispered. All girls within hearing range raised imaginary glasses as a salute. I shushed her.

Li's real name was actually Liliana, but she has always preferred her nickname, Li, pronounced lee. We had been best friends since year 2, when a really annoying boy had said to me in an arm-wrestling match 'girls can't beat boys-girls are weak!'. The comment made me lose my concentration and I lost the match. Then Li swooped in and said 'wanna bet?' and she beat him within 2 seconds! Ever since then, we had both trained and pushed each other to be the best we could be, mentally and physically. My parents were surprised when me, a 6-year-old, came home wanting to try to lift the weights that my dad had bought only weeks before.

Li's mom had always been a strong feminist, and as soon as we got our parents to meet, my parents quickly caught on.

Now, in year 7, we were still best friends, twice removed because of the big arguments that had been solved only days later.

"I'll ask him out when you ask out lover-boy over there," I said, inclining my head to the west side of the room. Li blushed.

The science teacher brought a halt to our conversation as she announced that she was leaving the room for a couple minutes and she expected us to behave in her absence. As soon as she left the room, whispered conversation started. I heard my name mentioned and glanced over at his table. I saw his friends glance in my direction and quickly pretended I was chatting to the person on the other side of me.

"Oh, little Len, you are as smittennnnn as a kittennnnn," Li sang under her breath, quoting Phoebe from our favourite TV show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

"Little!" I protested, "I am older, and taller than you!"

"Size and age doesn't matter, it's the mind that counts," she said breezily. I sighed dramatically. Sometimes, you just can't change a person's mind. Just then, the science teacher came in, bringing an abrupt halt to everybody's conversations. She glared around the room, looking for trouble-makers, and as usual, her eyes passed right over me. Most teachers remember me as 'the obedient one', because from childhood trauma, I hated people shouting, and I hated being on the receiving end of anger. So, every rule, I followed, and every order, I completed. Obediently of course.

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