First day of... school? (ch 3)

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Y/n's pov


Y/n: 1a, 1a, 1a 

   Currently I'm looking for class 1a, I probably should have put a copy of the map in my head but I was busy with some-i didn't want to…

Y/n: I should probably ask somebody… 1b? 1a most be close then 

5 mins later…

Y/n: huh, that is one big door, HEY BROCCOLI 

   I walk up to him and wave to try and get his attention

Izuku: oh um... actually i'm izuku, izuku midoria, not broccoli

Y/n: Y/n, L/n and in my defense i didn't know your name 

bhg(blue haired guy): YOU

Y/n: eh 

Izuku: um…

Bhg: midoria was it?

Izuku: y-yeah

Bhg: you knew-

Y/n: im sorry, what was your name,


Y/n: I cant get sonic out my head

Tenya: I am tenya Iida, now you knew there was something more to the practical didn't you, both of you

Izuku: w-well not actually

Y/n: I had know clue there were rescue points

Tenya: well-


Y/n: *jumps* WTF

Izuku: u-u-u-um… h-h-hi

???: starts mumbling

???: if your here to make friends you can pack up your stuff and leave 

Y/n: who?

   The voice came from a sleeping bag?


Mr. Aizawa: Im shota aizawa your teacher

Everyone: WHAT?!?!

Mr. Aizawa: it took you 8 seconds to shut up, that's not gonna work, anyway put these on and head outside


Mr. Aizawa: bakugo, you scored highest in the entrance exam, what was the furthest softball throw in junior high 

Bakugo: 64 meters, i think

Mr. Aizawa: here, *gives softball* throw this with your quirk 

Bakugo: ok,... DIIIIIIIIIIE

Y/n: Wtf

???: wow this looks like fun

Mr. Aizawa: fun, this looks like fun, *chuckles* 8 tests, last place in all 8, gets expelled


Mr. Aizawa: I can, and i will, ua doesn't recuire traditions so I can run my class how I see fit 

???: but what about orientation, we'll miss it

Mr. Aizawa: f*ck orientation

???: but, that's not fair

Mr. Aizawa: oh, and you think natural disasters are power hungry villains, or how about catastrophic accidents that wipe out full city's no, life's not fair and you have to be prepared for it

Y/n:... (I think i'm in the wrong class)

   Speed test
Y/n: I got this easy

???: not so fast tin can

Y/n: pinky you're not faster than me

Pinky: don't be so sure

Mr. Aizawa: shut up, hurry up

Y/n&pinky: sorry

Y/n: (ill use my shoes of course but just to make there jaws drop ill use my shoulder thrusters too, increase my speed even more)

Mr. Aizawa: start- 

2.15 seconds

Y/n: done

Pinky: Awwww, no fair how are you so fast

Y/n: its a secret (🙂)

   Grip strength
Y/n: I don't think I have much the advantage here


Y/n: ok (f*ck)

   Standing long jump
Y/n: FLY(🙂) *flies over the sandbox

Bakugo: tch

   Repeated side jumps
Mineta does so with ease


   Ball throw

Y/n:(ill put a thruster in the back of my hand so i get a lot of speed so it  goes really fast, then at the last second-)


Y/n: plasma blast


Last three tests don't exist



???1: is he alright
???2: beats me

Mr. Aizawa: here are the results, i'm not reading them off so here you go

Izuku: I failed…

Mr. Aizawa: and i lied, it was all just a deception to make sure you gave it your best

Izuku: huh

???3: I thought it was obvious

???4: IT WAS NOT

Y/n: (no, he wasn't lying the sadistic smile on his face says otherwise he was planning on expelling someone, maybe he changed his mind- or im reading to into this and he really was lying)

(???): maybe

Y/n: what

(???): what…

Mr. Aizawa: class dismissed, make sure you grab a silibus on the way out

Y/n: (Wtf is happening to me)


Y/n: badum-ba-ba im luving it

   I just got some mac Donald's, if your wondering how i got money, I got a part time job a cafe to pay bills and stuff, any way I sit with my mc Donald's and start eating very casual

(???): good gosh is it good

Y/n: WTF MaN, NOt WHilE iM eaTING

(???): I dont give a sh*t

Y/n: WElL I Do dIPSH*T, *swallows*
What are you and why are you in my head anyway

(???) All will be reveled soon...

Y/n: it better be

(???): you f*cking ruined my perfect exit

Y/n: well... I've been told I ruin a lot of sh*t

(???): just end the chapter now please author

Y/n: who are you talking to?



(???): hurry the f*ck up-


Wow, interesting end huh, no not interesting then stop reading and leave, if your confused it will be reaveled during sports fest arc, now piss off

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