Internships (ch 12)

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I should mention no pictures in this chapter belong to me except the one I drew, yeah I drew one.

Y/n's pov

Mr. Aizawa: everyone has their costumes, right, remember you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose them or anything

Mina: Gotcha

Mr. Aizawa: speak properly, it's "yes sir" Ashido

Mina: yes, sir

Mr. Aizawa: make sure you mind your manners with the other heros during your internships, now get to it

Everyone: yes, sir

Y/n: alright so we're going to hosu right

Roki: you are, my father's agency isn't in hosu, actually knowing his ego he probably will end up in hosu-

Y/n: cool so I might meet your dad during internships

Roki: yeah I guess

*Sometime later*

Y/n: so this is it huh

   We stand in front of an apartment building staring in... Confusion

Ultron: appears so

Y/n: I expected it to be a bit... grander

Ultron: well this is it I suppose-


???2: incinerate

???1: *bursts into flames* AAAAHHHH WHAT THE HELL YOU F*CKING PHYco... *Passes out*

Y/n:... (What the f*CK)

???2: Excuse me *walks towards villain*

(Best one I could find that showed most his body)

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(Best one I could find that showed most his body)

Y/n: woow Demon cyborg

Genos: I prefer to be called Genos

Y/n: sorry, genos

Genos: you are Y/n L/n right?

Y/n: wait how did you-

Genos: I saw you at the sports festival, I must deal with this villain first but you should meet my master

*The apartment*

Y/n: *knock knock*

Y/n: *knock knock*

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