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Dream woke up with the sun shining on his face from his large, glass pain balcony door. He shuffled to the other side, the darker side of his bed, and sighed at the thought of today.

Todays the day, todays the day I leave!

He was excited and nervous, two very common things to feel in this situation, but he was for sure ready. Getting up, he got dressed in a less-formal outfit then usual. Some light brown cargos and a charcoal gray shirt, something simple to leave in.

He made his way out his room after putting on his boots, waving at his guard at the door and walking towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen is where two of his close friends were hanging, they're chefs that work here, names are Bad and Skeppy.

Dream made his way into the large, cozy kitchen, noticing the amount of baked goods and foods laid amounts to the counters.

He smiled at the two men playing cards at the table in the back, then waving back and standing up to greet him.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite prince!" Bad said, going up and side hugging him, "what brings you here?"

Dream patted bads back and looked down at him, "hey bad- and..I have a favor to ask you guys," he smiled nervously.

Skeppy chuckled and leaned against one of the many counters, "go on then, kid, we'll help ya' out"

Dream scratched the back of his neck and winced, "I'm—I'm planning on leaving this palace, guys." Dream sighed and crossed his arms, looking down at his feet, "and I was hoping you guys could lend me some food for my long trip."

The two looked curious and Unknown of the situation, but bad started nodding and sighed heavily, "of course, Dream." Bad looked at skeppy for approval and softly smiled, "we'll help you out as much as you need."

Dream let out a relived sigh and closed his eyes, "thank you guys so much but I must be on my way now, I've got a lot of stuff to do before it's time..would you guys save my portion for when I'm on my way?"

Bad smiled and bopped dreams nose, "of course our little prince, I'll add muffins as a thank you for all you're amazing times you given us, dear."
Dream full-heartedly smiled. He loves bad and skeppy, their like his parents he was never able to have.

"Welp—I must be on my way now!" He jumped up and was out the door, "See you guys at five!!" Five was when the sun starts to set but not fully. As long as he's on the trail he's headed for, he's most likely in the clear.

He finally made it up to his room after struggling with the guards, so now it was just time for the time to pass. He didn't really have anything in mind, honestly. All there is to do is to read books. And that's just what he did, since he already packed his bags the minute he got ready for his day, there wasn't much to do then he thought there was.

Just as he was sitting there day dreaming about himself being one of the two lovers in his romance novel, there was a small knock on his balcony door. He cocked an eyebrow and sat up, closing his book with a bookmark. He got up as slowly as he possibly could, not kidding, and walked over to his door.

"Dream!!" A deep voice whispered, "get your slow ass over her' goddamnit!"

Dream scoffed and opened the door, "what the fuck could you possibly want, sap?"

"You're not leaving without me, that's what, fucker." Sapnap fixed his cowboy hat and threw out the strand of wheat from his mouth, while Dream stared at him in disbelief.

"You're one of the fucking main farmers here in the village, you cant just leave, sap. There would be a damn search party!" Dream whisper-yelled.

Sapnap mentally dead-palmed, "You're the fucking prince, dude. You don't honestly think there would be a search party for YOU?!" Dream rolled his eyes at that, sapnap knows damn well his father wouldn't give two shits if he was gone, all he wants is his life fucking castle.

"Whatever, dude. I'll let you come but you're not riding a horse, they'll track the prints." Dream sighed and zipped his pack up with his book placed inside again, literally rethinking life as he walked out his bedroom door to go get the food from bad and skeppy.

"Lets fucking go!" Sapnap whispered as they made their way to the kitchen.

Sorry this took long, I'm on spring break so maybe I'll get some chapters in finally.

DISCONTINUED!! Stumble Upon The Beaten Path |DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now