Chapter 11: Mistakes were made

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warning!: this chapter will contain heavy gore!

it's been a week since the night at the lake, and Mike hasn't said a word to me. no matter how hard i tried to talk to him, he ignored me.
we all still hung out as a group, just sneaking out at night to be together at the parking lot behind the diner but i couldn't talk to Mike.
Conner did everything he could to talk to me, and it didn't bother me that much besides the fact that Mike gave us both glares each time he was even near me.

it just didnt make sense to me, i get he was drunk at the time but i didnt think it was that big of a deal even when he was sober. of course right when things were actually happening between us something goes wrong. ive been trying to push down the thought that i might actually be into Mike because first off my mom hates him, his dads weird, and he hates me as well at the moment. not only that but, will anything like that work out between us?

whatever, i just need to stop thinking about it because the more i do, the more i consider the thought.
i mean he's some angsty teen with a bad attitude, mullet and dangerous lifestyle, it's every girls dream guy right now and the possibility that he might be jealous because of Conner kissing me is flattering.
not only that but boy is he attractive with a nice body. the night at the lake? i hate to admit it but i couldn't keep my eyes off him and because of that, i noticed something..
he didn't take his eyes off me.
for real this time, no more thinking about him, liking him and so what! just drain the thought.
just then B/n barged into my room, i wide grin on his face.
"Y/n! guess what guess what! mom said you could take me back to the diner Mr.Afton owns!" he jumps up and down in excitement while holding onto my doorknob.
if i remembered correctly, Mike said he'd be there today. oh god, that would be so awkward if he was. we already weren't talking and to show up the day he was would make it seem like i was desperate.
but since B/n is the gold child, i have no choice but to take him.
"alright alright, get ready then squirt and get out." i swung my legs off the bed and stood up, letting a soft grunt blow past my lips as i stretched.
as much as i wanted to see Mike, right now isn't the best time. i've been trying for so long to talk to him about the night at the lake, but no matter what he ignores me.
i sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, i'm thinking about this so much that i'm getting a headache. i just need to clear my head of any thought of what happened between us.
i only put on a plain white shirt and some blue ripped jeans. i really didn't feel like putting much effort into what i looked like today, the whole Mike situation has put me in a mood.

after mom dropped B/n and i off at the diner, handing me yet another jumble of cash, B/n bolted in without me. "B/n! ugh! ill be over here!" i yelled at him just before he ran off to the animatronics.
once again, i sat down at a booth and placed my head on the table. i hope Mike isn't here yet.
just then i hear laughter from a group of boys in the arcade. guess who it was, my dear friend Micheal Afton and three others.
it looked like Andrew and some other kids i never got to know. i was hoping Rj would be here, he talked to me most other than Conner trying to get in my pants.
hesitating, i slowly got up from my seat and walked over to them. Andrew noticed me first.
his smile grew wider than it originally was and ran up to me, swinging his arm around my shoulder.
"hey guys Y/ns here!" he said with the biggest, and stupidest grins ever.
"Uhm, hey Mike? can i talk to you?" i guess while he finally was looking at me, i should try to talk to him about this whole thing.
not a word was said from him, all he did was give me the judgmental look before his attention turned to something behind me.
a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. "Y/n! i didn't know you'd be here dear!" Oh god it was Conner. right now was the worst time ever for him to come. and the cherry on top was when he pressed his lips against my neck, his cold touch sending shivers down my spine.
this was the breaking point for Mike. he lunged at Conner, pushing him up against the wall with his collar in Mikes fist. "your punk ass really gets on my fucking nerves! you know that? why don't you fucking back off Y/n, yeah?"
all i could do was stand there in shock, i wasn't expecting him to do that, especially not in a place like this.
"Mike please, get off him." i reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder, only for him to immediately shove it off.
"standing up for your little boyfriend huh?" he gave me a side eye before he finally raised his arm, making his fist meet Conners nose.
"Come on man! at least do it outside not in here!" i wasn't so gentle this time and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him off Conner. oh boy was that a bad idea.
he turned towards me, pushing me against one of his friends. "watch out Y/n, i might just beat your ass like i did last time." he mumbled before signaling for the three boys to follow him, leaving me and conner alone in the arcade.
what threw me off was when they all put on mask, representing a different animal.
"Conner, are you okay?" i sighed and moved his hand from his face, making sure he wasn't bleeding.
"i'm fine, i'm just going to leave. coming with?"
i only shook my head, i don't like being alone with him. not only that but i had to watch B/n still.
Mikes probably even more mad at me than he originally was for pulling him off Conner, especially so aggressively.
there was another erupting laugh from the 4 boys over by the stage, they were holding a boy while he was sobbing and screaming at them to stop with a little girl right by then doing the same.
what the hell is wrong with them?!
i ran over to them immediately. "Mike! what the hell are you guys doing!?" i walked behind them as they taunted the boy and girl.
"don't be so dense Y/n, it's just my little brother. and as a good big brother i'm giving him a birthday gift! a kiss from fredbear!" him and his friend laughed and out his brothers head into the animatronic bears mouth. he was crying harder now.
how could Mike do this to his own brother?
just as i was about to help the poor boy, a blood draining crunch came from the direction of Fredbear and suddenly, his cries were stopped.
everyone was frozen in place.
there was a warm substance on my face and when i reached up to wipe it off, blood.
i hesitated to look up. and there i saw, the once crying boy crushed inside the bears mouth. blood dripping down it's metal jaw with the child's limp body still stuck inside.
i wanted to vomit.
the sight was horrible.
everyone was pale, the 4 boys, the little girl and me.
while everyone behind us was screaming in terror because of what just occurred.
"what did you guys do.." i whispered to them, my eyes still glued to the sight.
no response from any of them.
what broke us from our trance, was the little girl bursting out in tears and dropping down to the floor. she looked maybe 7 or 8.
i couldn't imagine how she feels. i can't imagine how Mike feels.
her cries were loud enough for William to hear because that's when he walked out from the double doors by the side of the stage.
when he saw the boys bloodied body, he looked mortified, disgusted and furious. so many emotions were showed on his face.
i was scared for Mike.
"Y/n..?" a small, quiet voice said from behind me.
i flipped my head around to see a terrified B/n.
"oh my god B/n come here." i kneeled down on the ground, that's when he raced to me and hugged my torso tightly. he was shaking.
he must've seen everything.
i stood up slowly and looked back at Mike who's dad was yelling at him.
so many curses were said, he even threatened to hit him at a point.
i didn't know what to do.
this all felt so unreal.
i just watched Mikes brothers head get crushed by a animatronic.
the 3 others were gone by now, same for everyone in the building. all the employees made them leave.
i could only give Mike a sympathetic look to him while i walked out.
he was doing to the same to me. like he was saying sorry to me with his eyes.

B/n and i sat on the curb outside the diner while we waited for mom. we had no way to contact her so we just had to wait until she came back at the original time planned to pick us up.
"B/n.. don't tell mom about this. not right now at least." i said softly to B/n who was on my lap, curled up in my arms.
he looked horrified.
i was too.

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