Chapter 3

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Recap: Kalie was sent to the office by her mother after being kicked out of another classroom, and when Kalie gets to the office she finds out she has been assigned ISS, what will her mom think, what will her dad think especially? You would think being a Teachers, and a Police Officers Kid would give you some motivation to behave...not for this one.

'so I went to mom's room and called her in the hall'

mom: what kalie.

you gotta sign this..

mom: let me guess you mouthed off to him and he gave you ISS.

yeah...3 days.

mom: let me guess it was 1 day until you argued.

yes ma'am

mom: you're grounded.


mom: kalie.

'I glared at her and went inside'


'I turned around'


Mom: get back in the hall. you don't not walk away from me young lady.

'I rolled my eyes and went back out there'

mom: I don't know what is with you lately but you better figure it out young lady. You will not mouth off to me or any other adult like that, and you will not call me sir young lady I am your mother and you will respect me. and do not ever walk away from when I'm talking. go back inside and sit in a normal desk, and be quiet. the last thing I need is you doing that. I'm giving you sentences to write to keep you quiet.

Yes momma.

'So while I was walking in mom spanked my butt twice and I gave her a nasty look'

What will Momma say about that nasty look she's been given, what will dad say about the punishment....

Mom: Don't give me that look. you're the one with 3 days of ISS. Wonder what your dad would say about that.

you wouldn't.

Mom: oh but I am.

'I gave her a look then a sad face look and did my sentences and afterschool when we got home'

Almost home, will Kalie face the rath of Daniel Goode or will he go easy on her?

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