Chapter 33

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mom came in and gave me a talk and the next day at school we were in the hall and I was getting bullied and I got so mad...'


MB: Kalie Goode, Office NOW!

'So I went and I was ticked off and he came in his office moments later with mom'

MS: wanna tell me what happened in the hallway a few minutes ago.

why don't you go find out yourself.

Mom: Kalie!

'So I just looked away from her'

MS: Kalie look at me...what is going on with you? You never curse, and you definitely aren't even this disrespectful. Somethings wrong and I'm worried about you sweetie.

just leave me alone okay. 'I walked to the hall and sat down and started crying and the same ones who made me mad the first time came up'

Kid: Well aren't you just a crybaby!! crybaby, crybaby!

SHUT THE FUCK UP! 'punched the kid in the stomach'

'mom and speir came in the hall at the same time'

Mom: Kalie Marie Goode!!

MS: Kalie my office. NOW.

'So I went in his office and sat down'

MS: Kalie what the heck was that?

Mom: What the hell were you thinking??

'i just looks away and started crying'

MS: Kalie tell me what is going on. right now!

'I wouldn't talk'

Mom: Kal just go sit in my room and close and lock the door, and try not to punch anybody on yhe way okay?

'I took her keys and wemt to her room and they started talking'

MS: What is going on with her? first she's being disrespectful, then she's cussing, then she's punching somebody.

Mom: John...this is hard for her, it was hard for her to say..

MS: What was?

Mom: John she's getting bullied..really badly. to the point where she doesn't want to be alive anymore..

MS: W..wh..what?

Mom: she told me last night. and I can bet you that the boy she punched was bullying her.

MS: That boy was Alex Barte. but Amy..why don't you keep her hone for a few days, try to get the names out of her and if you do call me..but she needs a break. she's not suspended, she just needs to be kept home for a few days, they'll be excused absences also.

Mom: Thanks John and I doubt I'm getting the names from her, one of the bullies threatened her saying they'd hurt her then their dad woukd hurt her after they did.

MS: Find out who hurt her and truth me, I'll take care of it...I'll hold an assembly tomorrow to let the students know that we are taking it very seriously..

Mom: Thank you John.. I'm serious. I'll go to my room..

MS: Not yet. 'goes to intercom' Alex Barte please come to the office Alex please come to the office.

'he came'

MS: You wanna tell me why Kalie Goode punched you in the stomach earlier.

A: No reason. I just walked in the building and said hi and she punched me.

MS: That's not what happened Alexander..are you the one she yelled at this morning?

A: it is what happened and nope.

MS: You sure because it looked like it was you this morning?

A: You didn't send her to the office. Mrs.Buchfink did.

MS: Yes I am aware and Mrs.Buchfink and I both seen that you had been torchering Kalie all morning. Alex, if you own up to it, you'll be in a lot less trouble.

A: I'm in trouble because I didn't do anything?

MS: Alex listen. I myself have witnessed you being quite mean to Kalie Goode and I know it's just not you but it needs to stop. Now are you going to admit to it or lie and get a worse punishment?

A: Fine I called Kalie a crybaby because she is one. so she punched me.

MS: Thank you. Are you the only one who has been mean to her?

A: Yeah that I know of.

MS: Okay..I'll let you know your punishment probably tomorrow.

A: Can I go now?

MS: Alexander.

A: Oh my gosh can I just leave already.

MS: Alexander James Burke. you will speak to me with respect young man.

A: Sir may I go back go class?

MS: Yes you may.

'So he left'

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