Chapter 6

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Recap: Kalie arrived at home, had to tell her father that she has 3 days of ISS...and her father well reacted in a different way then expected...and now Kalie has to tell her parents what caused him to give her ISS...

mom: Kalie talk.

well which time do you wanna know? today or yesterday?

Mom: Both tell me yesterday first.

I'll tell you today's first....

mom: fine.

we'll today I got an attitude with her and she asked to speak to me in the hall so I went and when we got out there she asked what my problem was because apprently I've been acting disrespectful for a week or two and I didn't used to be like this but then I mouthed off and she told me I used to her best student and I said "and I care why" and she told me to go back in the room and behave and I said whatever so she sent me to you.

mom: kal..

I wouodnt say anything yet.. yesterday's is worse..

mom: tell me Kalie marie.

fine....well she wouldn't let me in the hall at lunch and she closed the door I tried to go out so I opened and went out the other door...and she told not to go in the hall but I looked at her, and took a step in the hall and she told me to go back in the cafeteria and I said no, then asked what she was gonna do about it...


that was one of the main reasons he gave me ISS.

Mom: I can see why Kalie Marie. since your dad doesn't want to punish you, maybe I will.


Mom: Kalie domt even try to get out of it. that was very disrespectful. you will apologize to her tomorrow.

it's whatever.

Mom: Kalie. quit.

quitters never lose. so why should i?

Mom: Kalie I will whoop you.

I'm sure you will.

Mom: Kalie!! im about sick and tired of your attitude young lady.

and I care why?

Mom: because I'm you're mother and you should respect me.


Mom: You better quit.

'mocked her'

Mom: Kalie Marie!


Mom: don't what me.

I'll what you if I want.

Mom: Yeah and I'll spank you if I want. how about that?

I'd rather you not.

Mom: Kalie. just stop.

No stop sign around so what's the point to stop 'smiled evily'


that's my name don't wear it out....

Wait until her dad hears what an attitude she has..wonder what mommas gonna do once she hears those words come out of her mouth...Kalie sure is a mouthy one..

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