Chapter 12

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Jeff's POV

Sloth toke the gun and shot Envy. The whole house shook as he fell to the ground and his body turned to ash. We were all able to move now. But Is wasn't she was knocked out or....

I rushed over to her and checked her pulse which was slow but there. I picked her up and brought her to the couch. I looked over as Sloth handed the gun back to Jessica, in that moment I thought Jessica would shot Sloth. Duck we all did the silence was deadly as we waited "I'm on you're side. I'm tired if being stuck down there" she says as Jessica turns grabbing the box Envy had. She walk to the door and turned around

"Thanks" she says leaving. I sit next to Is on the ground

"She really shouldn't have used her powers that was a very bad idea" Vicky says

"She'll be okay though right" I ask

"She should be fine her and the babies" Is's mom said. I waited with Is as Vicky and Nersi were making a border for the house while slendy, Sally and Masky cleaned up. Jack and Nadine are sitting on the couch together, Nadine curled up in Jacks lap. Clock and Toby are upstairs doing Zalgo knows what. And Ben and Aria are sitting on the floor Ben playing video games while Aria lays in his lap.

As I was sitting and thinking for maybe an hour or so is sat up fast taking a gasp if a air. Her hair set on fire here wide eyes turned icy blue and her vain's a clear blue almost. It was fast as her grabbed her head and everything went back to normal "is Sloth okay" she says almost instantly

"Yes I'm fine" she says laying on the floor.

"Where's Jessica"

"She toke the box and left are you okay" I ask

"I'm fine. Just hungry" she says getting up an eating.

"Hungry?" Sloth questions

"Yes" she yells from the kitchen. Sloth gets up and I get up walking into the kitchen where Is is getting a bag of chips, come cookies, strawberries and some cheese cake already half eaten. She sits down and starts eating.

"Holy shit Is" Ben says walking in she's eating cheese cake with her hand which is now finished she licked it off opened the chips ate all of those finished half a box if cookies. Got up washed her hands walked to the couch and passed out

"What the fuck" I ask looking at Sloth who laughed and say in the ground

"One of those children can bring back the dead. But when doing so they get super hungry, eat then pass out"

"Is didn't die her pulse was just low" I say

"Nope she died. Kid brought her back get of story" she says laying down"It will be a while till she wakes up so were staying her tonight" she says closing her eyes as everyone looks at Is. She died? I can believe it

Isabel's POV

I woke up to a dark house. Last thing I remember was pigging out. I don't even know why I was so hungry I kinda just was.

I got up almost tripping on Sloth, who was sleeping under me like a dog next to Smile. Jeff was on the other couch sleep. I toke the blanket from the end of the couch and covered him. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I walked to the couch sitting down and covering myself with the blanket. I rubbed my belly with my cold hands and drank my water before I herd the kids

'Mommy you died' they said

"No I didn't I'm alive" I whisper

'I saved you. Mommy you where dead' one says. I run my hands threw my hair. I died no way. My kids are to young to save me. His do they know how there power works. This is crazy this is insane. I died!

2 mouths later

9 months and 2 weeks. Fuck they need to come out now! I've stayed at slendys for now since I could pop any minute. We haven't heard anything from the rest if the sins. So far we only have 3 down well four counting Sloth. We still have 3 to fucking go and I'm so frustrated.

"Baby are you okay" Jeff asks and I look at him

"Yeah I'm fine why"

"Your fists on fire" he points to my flaming fist and I unclench it the fire going away

"Sorry I'm just frustrated and worried what if the sins don't come before the kids are born they'll be unsafe. I wouldn't know what to do" I say biting my lip and pulling at my hair. Jeff hugs me and kisses my head

"They'll be okay don't worry" he says as the door bursts open

"Sup fuckers. Guess who caught the 5th sin around your house" Jessica says dangling a neckless and holding a blue box

"Which one" I ask

"Pride she was a fusty little bitch" she says

"What are all these boxes for" I ask and she sets it on the table

"Each one of these boxes have an entity once opened they will release this entity. After each box is opened the entities will shout up make a portal for this evil thing to come into the world. Which them will be the END of the world" Jessica says

"That doesn't sound to bad haha it could be worse" lj says sitting in the couch

"How" I ask

"My supply of candy could run out and I'd have to die candyless" he laughs and I smirks

"Is" my sisters says flouting in


"The sins are coming and in 5 4 3 2 1" she counts down as a sharp pain hits my stomach and my water breaks "you'll be in labor" Aria finishes as everyone rushes around to make sure the sins can get in at all.

"Come child down stairs" slendy says with my mom and Jeff. Here they come. See you soon my darlings.

I am really sorry this toke so long I'm just lazy/swamped in school stress I just hope you guys aren't to made at me. Hope you like this. Nighty nigh just go to sleep

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