Chapter five: Phoebe, Emilia, Azur and Lavender

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Followed by the four girls, Professor Valerien went towards the large mirror behind the table of her house. In front of it, she turned and looked at the new girls. „So there is Azur McPhin, Lavender Rozein, Phoebe Hohner and Emilia Thorpf. Is that correct?" Three girls nodded their heads but one didn't. „My surname is Hower!", corrected Phoebe with a little smile. „Oh, I'm sorry about that!", said the mistress apologeticly. She turned towards the mirror again and said in a very clear voice: „Azur McPhin, Emilia Thorpf, Lavender Rozein and Phoebe Hower, first formers". Then she laid her hand above the surface and signalled to the others to imitate her and immediately the five became sucked through the mirror and disgorged at the other side.  „From now on, you're registered as first formers for that house!" explained Professor Valerien, while she led the first formers to a door, who shone as bright as the mistresses' dress. „Please go in!" She opened the door and Lavender followed by the other first formers went in. The room was big and comfortable. Two bunk beds were standing on the right and left of the room at the walls. In the middle were standing four desks, two opposite the other two, so that the four could see each other while learning or doing homework. Azur went to the window and threw a glance out at the green lawns. „That's so big!", stored the girl with the black eyes. Phoebe was pleased with the room instantly. „I will feel welcome at once!", she thought happily. The mistress cleared her throat and the first formers looked at her. „I will leave you alone now, so that you can getting to know the others. I'll fetch you for supper later." With this announcement, the Head of Mirrorblue left, but turned to the girls when she reached the door. „I hope, each of you will be a gain for Mirrorblue! If you have any sort of problem you can come to me and we will find a solution together!" Her gaze flickered from Emilia to Lavender, who looked defiantly at the mistress, while Emilia went red and drooped her head.

The mistress left and the four girls stared at one another, without saying any word. "Who wants to sleep where?", ask Phoebe, to broke the silence. But no answer came. She went to the left bunk bed and wanted to sit down at the lower bed, but she couldn't. A invisible barrier made it inpossible. Azur tried her luck with the opposite bed, but she couldn't sit down either. Lavender was next and she climbed up the ledder to the bed above Phoebe. A quiet pop sounded and the lettering „Lavender Rozein" appeared. So Lavender had found her bed. Azur and Phoebe stood up and went to Emilia who stood still in the middle at the room. Emilia tried the bed Azur had chosen before, but had no luck. Phoebe tried the bed next and she was lucky. As by Lavender the lettering „Phoebe Hower" appeared. Next Azur tried her luck with the bed above Phoebe and now it was only Emilia left, who got the lower bed on the left side under Lavender's. After all four had their beds, Emilia turned to Phoebe. "How do we pronounce your name?" She asked Phoebe. „It isn't Foebe, Phöbe, Foibi, is it?", asked Emilia with twitching corners of her mouth. „No, of course not. It's Fi...", started Phoebe, but no one listened to the black-haired girl. Emilia and Azur had started laughing, wich made Lavender giggling too and for a short while no one except Phoebe could say any word. Phoebe stared at them indignantly. She couldn't make out, what was so funny about her name! „It sounded like an cats name!", said Azur deragotary. „I hate cats!", squealed Lavender and looked disgusted. Emilia had to laugh so much, that she couldn't bring a word in. „Better that name, than a flower one!", hissed Phoebe and Lavender became quiet at once. She went red and Phoebe grinned to herself, gleefully. But Azur and Emilia didn't stop laughing which made Phoebe angry. „And your name sounds like a gemstone one!", she cried in Azur's direction. „Oh, did you notice just then, that I'm named like a gemstone?", scoffed Azur. „You're so clever!", sneered Emilia. Phoebe wanted to add something, but the door was shut open and in came Professor Valerien. „Obviously it's funny in here!", She said, smiling round at her students. Azur and Emilia nodded unnoticed by her house-mistress. Phoebe glared at them angrily, but the two girls only smiled and it wasn't a nice smile. „Follow me, please. It's supper time!"

When the four girls sat round her house table, Phoebe looked at the other girls with interest. They laughed and chattered with each other. They all seemed to be friendly and nice and smiled at the first formers. „Hello", said one girl opposite Phoebe. „Hello" answered Phoebe in a shy voice. „I am Veronica and I am a third former.", explained Veronica, smiling. „You're a first former right?" „Yes", gave back Phoebe. „I am Phoebe!" „That's a nice name!", found Veronica. „Thanks", responded Phoebe and smiled herself at the friendly third former. „Who are in the first form with you?", asked Veronica and looked curiously to the girls next to Phoebe. „Azur, Emilia and Lavender", said Phoebe, naming the girls in order. „I know Emilia and Lavender!", muttered Veronica. Phoebe just wanted to ask Veronica why she knew already two of Phoebe's roommates, when Professor Valerien came to them. „Are you alright?", she asked, looking at Emilia, Phoebe, Azur and Lavender. All four of them nodded. Satisfied Professor Valerien left them again and Phoebe went on eating. After she had finished eating, she threw glances to the other first formers from the remaining houses. All of them giggled and seemed as if they had  much fun. Next to Phoebe, Emilia and Azur whispered and by turns, they threw glances at Phoebe and the quiet Lavender. Lavender hadn't spoken a word since they were at the supper table and Phoebe wondered whether she really was alright. Unfortunately she sat to far away from her to whisper to her, but when they got up, she got hold of Lavender's arm and whispered quietly: „Is something wrong with you?" Lavender shook her head violently.

While they undressed in her dormy that evening, they admired the four black dresses, each of them had got. „I wonder, what we need them for?", said Azur, frowning. „Don't know!" came Phoebe's tired voice from under her blankets. „We will find out tommorow I guess!"

The others had gone to sleep long ago but Phoebe still laid awake and thought about her three new roommates. „Emilia and Azur can be both very hurtful and direct! Lavender had laughed too but at least she did stop when I make that remark about her name. I wonder, whether we all will become friends or not... But I had the impression, Emilia and Azur don't like me very much, because they kept on with their idiotic giggling and when we ate supper, they giggled and giggled and threw some odd glances in my direction..." Phoebe yawned. „I have to look, what future will bring", she decided and within seconds she was fast asleep

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