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You were in the plane. You were heading back to Miami.
"Crap where did I put my book?" You said looking around.
"Over here!" Jungkook said.
He tossed you your book. Yes, you were heading to Miami with the boys. They're finished with their North America so they decided to have a small week vacation in Miami, meaning you were gonna move to Korea with them from now on. The boys were gonna help you set up everything in Korea. For now, you were gonna stay at Taehyung's place for the time being until you get your own place, or if you wanna live on your own. Taehyung helped you plan everything in Korea with him and on your own. You were pretty excited. The boys treated you like a little sister, and Taehyung treated you like you were his everything, and to him, you are his everything.

{ Miami }

You opened the door.
"Welcome to my home guys." You said.
Your dog ran up to you and your cat walked. The boys were excited to see your pets.
"YOU HAVE A HUSKY!!" Jin said.
"AND A SERBIAN!!" Yoongi said.
You all laughed.
"Alright, I need to start packing." You said.
"Where are the boxed?" Taehyung asked.
"They all are in the garage. You said.
You showed them the garage and they all started gathering boxes. You and Taehyung went into your room.
"Your room is as small as you I see." Taehyung said.
"Oh shut up." You said.
You both laughed. You saw your husky and serbian come in.
"The serbian's name is Whiskers, and my husky's name is Jack Jack." You said.
"Those are cute names." Taehyung said.
"Thanks, I've had both of them since they were babies." You said.
"Oh wow, and how old are they now?" Taehyung asked.
"Both 7 years old." You said.
"Still pretty young." Taehyung said.
"They're alright." You said.
"They'll love my dog Yeontan. A Pomeranian." Taehyung said.
"That's sweet you too have a child at home." You said.
"Yes I do hehe." Taehyung said.
He looked around the room.
"You still have SOPA photos." Taehyung said.
"I do haha." You said.
Taehyung picked up one photo.
"It's our performance photo." Taehyung said.
"Yeah, I'm right here." You said.
"No way, Jimin and I are actually both right behind you." Taehyung said.
You looked closer.
"Wait you two are haha." You said.
"I'm surprised we didn't notice you." Taehyung said.
"Same here haha." You said.
Taehyung put the picture down. He saw another photo.
"It's a picture of a rose." Taehyung said.
"The only rose I was given." You said.
"Is this the one I gave you?" Taehyung asked.
You sat down on your chair. Taehyung sat down on your bed.
"I have a confession." You said.
Taehyung looked at you.
"You said I never noticed you until Valentine's Day right?" You said.
Taehyung nodded.
"That's a lie." You said.
Taehyung was confused.
"I've actually noticed you ever since the first day of school during the tour." You said.
"Really?" Taehyung asked.

{ Flashback to SOPA Tour }
You were walking with your old bandmates Joy and Seulgi. You three were added onto the tour for SOPA.
"So, I'm guessing we're all gonna be separated because of the departments." Joy said.
"Yup, the only time we'll see each other is when we have lunch and after school at the company." Seulgi said.
"That's gonna be too long." You said.
While walking, you saw a boy singing with his friends. You were shocked by how deep his voice is. You never heard someone with that deep of a voice. He was always very cute looking.

You were in the dance room practicing for your dance test. While dancing, you felt someone staring at you. You turned around and saw the boy again. He was watching you dance the whole time. You were about to wave but he left right away. You were confused. But you remember when you turned around you saw him smiling while watching you. You smiled at the thought.

It was Valentine's Day. You were walking down the hallway while listening to music . You were focused on your dance final. You then bumped into someone and you both fell. You helped him pick up his notes. You both looked at each other.
"My bad! I wasn't looking!" The boy said.
"It's ok!" You said.
"Please take this!" The boy said.
He gave you a rose. You took it and smile. You were about to thank him but he walked away right away. You giggled.
When you came home, your mom was shocked to see a rose.
"Who gave that to you?" Mom asked.
"The boy I'm talking to you about. The one that watches me dance everyday mom." You said.
"That's sweet of him. Did you thank him?" Mom asked.
"I was going to but he ran away right after." You said.
"Aww that means he probably likes you." Mom said.
You both laughed.
"Do you have a vase that I can use to put the rose in?" You asked.
"You wanna keep it?" Mom asked.
"Yes I do. It's nice!" You said happily.

It was your last day of SOPA before moving to the states. You were really sad that day because you won't be seeing your friends anymore and you won't be training anymore to be a kpop idol anymore. You were just really sad the whole day.
"Hey Y/N." Seulgi said.
"Hi unnie." You said.
"Someone told me to give this to you." Seulgi said.
It was a letter. You opened the letter.

Hi Y/N,
I know we don't talk to each other nor see each other, but I heard today is your last day here. All I wanna say is that you're an amazing dancer. I sound weird but yea I do watch you everyday. It's just when you dance, you dance beautifully and you mesmerize me every time you dance. I wish I wasn't so shy to talk to you but my friends say I am lol. Hopefully I get to see you again in the future.
- The boy from he dance window

You looked at Seulgi.
"This is the boy who gave me the rose on Valentine's Day and watches me everyday. Where is he?" You asked.
"He's in the band room." Seulgi said.
You were about to go but you saw your mom.
"Let's go now Y/N. We're gonna be late for our flight if we don't go now." Mom said.
"Ok." You said.
Mom took your hand and you both started walking to the entrance of the school. You looked up at the band room window. You saw the boy looking at you out the window. You felt sad. You didn't even get to thank him.

{ Present Time at Home }
You grabbed a folder from your drawer. You took out a piece of paper. You gave it to Taehyung.
"The letter." Taehyung said.
"All along, I've noticed you. And I too was shy from time to time to talk to you. We both too were busy so that's already known." You said.
"So we both have been seeing each other the whole time during SOPA. I thought I was the only one who only watched you." Taehyung said.
"No you weren't. I was in your position as well." You said.
You both laughed.
"I wanna start all over." Taehyung said.
You were confused.
"I wanna take you out on a coffee date in Korea. I want to forget whatever happen in Vegas because I don't like how we met. That's not how I really wanted to meet you. So I wanna retry." Taehyung said.
You both laughed.
"Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." You said.
Taehyung smiled and hugged you. You both laid down on the bed laughing.

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