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Bif had suddenly been woken up, but he wasn't in his room. He was in the nurses office. Bif felt his wounds were bandaged and healed. How did he get here..? Bif looked over to see Parker, standing in the doorway of the office. "Parker...?" Bif croaked. "I'm sorry, Bif. I had to tell Derby, he would end up finding out anyways. I would've gotten beat up too.." Parker whined. "Sounds pretty selfish to me." Bif spat. "I.. I know." Parker fiddled with his hands in guilt. "I gotta go." Parker whispered as he exited the office. It had been nighttime. Bif stared at the ceiling as he slowly shut his eyes.
The next day Bif had woke up, he was still in the nurses office. "You might wanna get ready and go to class, young man." The nurse spoke. Bif slowly sat up, nodding. He then exited the office and went to the dorms. Everybody was staring at him along the way. They all snickered to each other. It was probably all around the school that he was gay, and got beaten by Derby. Bif entered his dorm room and removed his shirt. Half of his body had been bruised, he had a black eye and a busted lip. Bif's abdomen throbbed as he caressed the bruises. It was probably what he deserved. Bif sighed as he changed, then exiting his room. "Who knew the boxing champion would be gay." He heard some people giggling as he exited the dorms. Bif suddenly felt an urge to apologize to Derby. But, for what? He was the one who had gotten beat up. Was he even allowed in the Harrington House? Bif just felt like crumbling into ashes and dying.
After all of his classes, Bif decided to drink off all the worries he had. So, Bif walked to Old Bullworth Vale, and to the boxing gym. Surprisingly, there were no Preps there. Bif walked up the stairs to the bar area, and sat down in a chair. He sighed, reaching over the counter for a bottle of whiskey, and poured it into a glass. He took a sip of it and sat the cup down. The room temperature alcohol going down his throat made him sick, but it was relieving. Bif rested his head on the table, swirling the glass around. He thought about Derby. Did Bif still like him? Of course he did. He was a sucker for the blond. Derby could sue his entire family and Bif would still love him. As Bif continued daydreaming, he heard the door open. But he didn't care, it was probably some Prep coming to humiliate him. Until he heard a strong, English accent speak. "Bif..." Derby muttered. Bif's body had froze. He didn't lift his head to the call of his name. A buzzing feeling rushed through Bif's head. He felt Derby's presence next to him. Bif had no other choice but to face him. He sat up, meeting eyes with Derby. He didn't seem mad this time. His eyes were softer, and he twiddled with his rough hands. Derby glanced at Bif's abused face without a word. Bif didn't know what feelings he felt towards Derby anymore. Did he still love him? Hate him? All these mind boggling feelings made Bif feel nauseous, especially with the whiskey mixing in his stomach. "I just, wanted to apologize, I guess.. I should've just talked to you rather than beating you." Derby whispered. Bif's busted lip quivered as the blond stared at his hands. "Although I still think it's rather weird to associate with the same gender, just keep it to yourself." Derby coughed, placing his arms behind his back to prevent him picking at his nails. That was it. Like a bomb ticking off. Bif wanted to explode into tears. He still loved Derby. He only knows he's gay, not that he likes him. Suddenly, Bif stood up from the stool. Derby stared at him confused. Bif slowly started taking off his vest and dress shirt to reveal his black-and-blue skin. Bif turned around, showing Derby the rest of the marks he had made. It was like Derby was standing at an easel, staring at what he had created. Derby audibly gasped as Bif glanced at him from behind. Bif then turned around and put his clothing back on. "I..." Derby was speechless. He stared Bif in the eyes, slowly walking closer to him. Suddenly, Derby had wrapped his arms around Bif. His eyes widened as Derby gripped the back of his vest. Bif quickly returned the hug. "I'm sorry I did that to you. I'm still your friend.." Derby spoke lowly.
Friend? Friend.
The tears came flowing out of Bif's eyes uncontrollably. He sobbed in Derby's arms. "Don't cry Bif."
"But I love you."
Derby suddenly became stiff at Bif's statement. He continued to cry in Derby's arms. Suddenly Derby had let go of Bif's clutch. "You what..?" Derby mumbled. Bif breathed heavily, sniffling. He wiped his eyes as Derby stared at him. "You sinner.." Derby muttered under his breath as he exited the bar slowly. "Derby, wait!" Bif cried. It was too late. The blond had already ran off. Bif should've just let them stay friends. Now Derby hates him again. Bif stared at the door with tears effortlessly strumming down his flushed cheeks. Bif went to bed that night, gazing outside his window, watching the moonlight from his bed as tears continued to fill his eyes silently.
The next day, Bif tried talking to Derby. But he seemed to be avoiding him. Bif looked all around for Derby, but he finally found him with some other Preps. "Derby..." Bif panted. Derby looked over at Bif, narrowing his eyes. "Can we please talk?" Bif whimpered. Derby's response was a quiet yet painful scowl. Him and the other Preps walked away from Bif. The anger started rushing towards Bif's head. "Will you stop just walking away from me?!" Bif shrieked. Derby had suddenly stopped walking at the redheads call. He then turned around and walked up to Bif. "Watch your tone when you're talking to me, faggot." Derby muttered. Bif's eyes slightly broadened as Derby continued to walk with the Preps. Bif clenched his sweaty fists, walking the other direction.
After school Bif decided to take a walk around Old Bullworth Vale to calm his nerves. Until he found Derby, standing in the gazebo. This was Bif's chance to talk to him alone. Bif walked up the the gazebo, and stepped inside it, triggering Derby to turn around. "Bif, why do you keep following me everywhere." Derby sighed. "I just want to talk to you but you're making things, difficult!" Bif stammered. "Maybe if you didn't mention the horrid feelings you have for me, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Derby spat. "I've had them ever since Middle School!" Bif cried out. Derby stared at Bif blankly. "I've liked you ever since Middle School, Derby..." Bif whispered. There was a gut-wrenching silence as the two stared each other down. "You probably should've told me earlier so we'd stop talking sooner." Derby mumbled. He started to walk away as the sun slowly set. "Derby, hold on! Please..." Bif begged. The blond didn't hesitate to look back at the pleading redhead. Although, his heart seemed to be beating fast. The tears rolled down Bif's cheeks as he cried out. "Derby..." Bif whispered as he clenched his sweater. The sun was almost gone as it faded away behind the clouds. Bif continued to mumble under his breath as the golden sky was accompanied with dim stars and a navy blue tint. Bif looked around to see nobody but local townsfolk, giving him weird stares. Derby was gone.
And he'd never talk to Bif again.
Because he was a Sinner.

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