The Lost Queen

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Chapter Three;

I ran to the guild hall, something in me was telling myself to keep going. My mind was reeling and my heart felt like it was going to explode but I couldn't stop running. I was still wearing my pajamas and my hair was a mess but I had to see her. I had to talk to her.

She took something from me and she had something taken from her. I needed to know what this all meant, and I needed to know immediately. I had left Natsu at my house, I didn't have the time to tell him, how would I even begin to tell him. It was too much at once.

So I just left and I might have freaked him out because he was chasing after me, calling out for me to stop running away. But I ignored him, I was struggling to breathe against the cold wind entering my lungs. It burned.

It was early afternoon now so people were walking about and enjoying their day as I pushed passed them all. I was focused on one thing, Serena, the woman in my dream.

My body collided with something and suddenly my train of thought was jumbled up. I slammed against someone and I nearly fell to the ground before they caught my arms. I was a little dazed when they stood me straight up and looked at me.

"Are you alright? You hit me pretty hard there," He supported my body like he was scared I was going to just fall to the floor any second.

He was my same height but he looked a little older than me. He awaited a response but when I gave none he leaned a little forward and tightened his grip on me. This made me a little uncomfortable, I didn't like him touching me so sternly.

"Can you talk?" He leaned closer and I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to leave to do what I was set on doing. I was so close, yet so far.

I tried to pull myself out of his hold but he didn't let me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He repeated.

"Hands off," Natsu appeared beside me, he took his palm and slammed it against the guys chest.

It shocked me, I wasn't expecting it but I was glad for him—I was glad I was finally torn from his hold. Natsu grabbed my arm as he shoved the guy away, causing him to fall down.

"Don't touch her, she doesn't like you," He spoke so sternly that he sounded different.

I glanced up at him and he looked disheveled, partially my fault since I had left like I did. He didn't wait for the guy to respond, he looked down at me and his expression turned to anger.

"Why did you do that? Run off like that?"

I stood there a bit embarrassed, my cheeks puffed up and I pouted.

"Don't do that, you made me nervous," He crossed his arms across his chest.

"Hey man," The stranger sat up on the ground, slapping his shirt now covered in dirt. "What's your problem?"

Natsu looked irritated and frustrated as he glared down at the guy. I've seen Natsu get angry but the look in his eye was always terrifying.

"Can you tell me why you ran off?" He asked me.

I paused, I suppose now was a good time to spill the beans. I fiddled with my fingers a bit, thinking of what exactly to tell him. Telling him about my dream seemed like a bad idea. He might think I was going crazy. I could just tell him the basic stuff, and see if he believes me.

I took his hand and held it palm up in front of me. I decided to keep it short.


He looked at me.

"Serena?" He repeated and I nodded.

Woman. Yesterday.

"The woman from yesterday is named Serena," He stated.

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