The Woman in White

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Chapter One;

I believe in things such as fate and destiny. Why wouldn't I, such a concept would make any girl swoon at the thought. To believe in such an ideal where your whole place within a universe is mapped out among the stars. That sounds romantic, I have always had a sweet spot for that.

Yet I am so oblivious to it, the feeling and touch of destiny on my head. When it intertwined so lovingly with my soul mate. However, I never noticed it. I never noticed him in such a light, such an innocent yet strong bond. That is my fault for the most part, it was me who painted the picture too perfectly in my mind. I didn't dare think of the situation differently, or more than I had the strength to handle.

The setting was dark, nightfall and stars glistening like lights all above me. My eyes trailing them like they were tiny bugs flying around. A view similar to the deepest part of the ocean it was so dark yet so beautiful. I let my heart match the rhythm of his.

Natsu sat beside me against the large tree that supported our backs. His body heat was excruciating yet soothing. I craved it, wanted it all just for myself. Like my own personal star that burned just for me. It was a selfish wish of course but mine nonetheless. My legs folded up against my chest as I let my chin fall forward. It landed on my knee and my eyes closed for a brief second before he spoke.

"Are you okay?"

He pushes his head slightly down towards me as if I had trouble hearing him. How considerate of him. As if I would ever have trouble hearing him.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I replied casually, his intense look turned to a glare and I forced my gaze down. He was too good at noticing things. Stupid little things, things that do not even matter. The big things he ignores.

"You've been acting strange since we got back from the job, too quiet. What's wrong? Are you tired?"

The job was simple it was just a mission to steal something that was previously stolen. Sneak into some random house, sneak out. That wasn't the problem with the job, the problem was the owner of said lost item.

I glanced at Happy who laid blissfully ignorant along the soft grass, sleeping with his head pressed against Natsu's thigh.

"I am a little tired," I lied so obviously it hurt that he just nodded.

The woman who put the job up had a certain charm about her. A hand on his shoulder, a look at his lips, a sweet laugh, a flirtatious tone. I knew what she was doing and I shouldn't care. But I do, and it did bother me. Being so familiar with the touch of someone makes it hard to watch.

"I knew it," He smiled to himself before poking Happy in the forehead.

Happy swatted his hand away but Natsu scooped him up. He looked down at me and from my perspective he looked radiant. The moon formed a halo around his hair and in that moment he looked absolutely perfect in every way. Every reason to ever love him raced through my mind and I knew it was over for me.

I was jealous, sure. I knew that, admitting it was the hard part. But now it seemed like such a no brainer. Like why wouldn't I? He looked down at me with those magical green eyes and I felt mesmerized for a moment.

It went unnoticed for so long, the small moments of doubt and uncertainty. The memories together, the touches, the words spoken, the trust and the sincerity. It was all there, the whole time it was all just right in front of me.

But I pushed it away, deep down into the pit of my stomach because I was afraid. Afraid to lose someone who meant so much to me on such a basic level. There was always the chance of rejection. I couldn't stand it, even thinking of it made me tense up.

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